sworn rivalry ― 1.2

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Much to your surprise, there isn't a science fair next school year. Instead, it's a speech contest. Knowing you're fairly well-rounded in all subjects, you don't feel too troubled. But you know you're going to have to go all-out if you want to win against Monoma. The topic was pretty vague- any important topic you'd like to talk about. After a few hours of brainstorming, you decided to go with global warming and the environment. The contest begins in two months, and you immediately set out to prepare. After a month of research- and then tedious writing, editing, and re-reading, your speech is complete. Now, all that's left is to practice speaking it and being able to keep your crowd's attention on you.

Every Friday, you go over to Tsuyu's house and she helps you practice and provides insightful commentary. When the time of the contest arrives, you easily pass the preliminary rounds, and qualify throughout all rounds until the only competitors left are you and Monoma.

While you're proud of reaching this far, you're slightly worried. How will you fare against him? These thoughts swarm your mind, even by the time it's the day of the final rounds. You're well-dressed with the speech folded into your back pocket, palms collecting sweat as you wait behind the curtains of the stage. The same thoughts you've had for the past weeks are tormenting you, only making you feel even more nervous.

''Hey!" A hushed whisper breaks your train of thoughts, and you look behind you. Monoma's hiding behind a curtain, his face peeking towards you.

"Monoma?" You ask with genuine confusion. "Aren't you supposed to be on the opposite side of the stage?" He merely shrugged.

"Just came over to wish you luck, you'll need it against me." You snort and smile. He never misses the shot to be snarky.

"Thanks, I guess. Good luck to you as well." He smiles but then his eyes widen in shock as his name is announced on the speakers.

"It's my turn! Gotta go." He speaks in a hushed tone, before racing past the curtains. You laugh, shaking your head in amusement.

When he presents, you slightly open the curtains apart and spy on him. His chosen topic was the energy sources of Japan, and the impact they've had on the environment. Similar to yours, but probably more interesting to the audience, you think with a frown.

The blonde took a deep breath, closing his eyes. You clung tightly to the curtains, watching him from the dark. Then he exhaled, blue eyes snapping open and a confident smile taking over his lips. You smile and clutch the curtain a little tighter. Why was your heart beating so damn loud? It's not like you were on the stage, presenting. Then why did your heart feel it was in a frenzy?

You listened to his speech- which was quite well written and eloquent- watched how his lips moved and how words fell from them with ease, and strangely, felt your face warm. What was up with that? First, a pounding heart, and now a warm face? Were you sick?

With a quick shake of your head, you pushed the thoughts to the side and continued to peek at Monoma. His blonde hair glistened under the spotlight, and you swore you saw his light blue eyes twinkle like a pair of stars in the dark. Since when was he this....mesmerizing? You lost track of his speech as all noise around you flew over your head, and didn't snap back into reality until you saw him bow with a smile, and the roar of cheers and clapping- Monoma was done, which meant you were up next.

Monoma soon walked towards where you had been peeking through. He smiled and patted your shoulder, while you noticed a sheen layer of sweat on his forehead- had he gotten nervous during the speech? During your years of knowing Monoma Neito, you knew he wasn't the type to get nervous often.

"It's your turn nerd- don't screw it up, alright?" You snorted but accepted the words with a grateful smile.

"Got it.''

of rivals & summer love |  monoma x f!readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora