shiketsu summer camp ― 3.0

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The next day, you've all been given t-shirts and clothing by the camp, and you're decked out in a cheesy t-shirt and denim shorts as you walk towards the camp's cafeteria with Tsuyu and Uraraka. After grabbing some breakfast, Aizawa informed your class that the first challenge would be announced.

You're buzzing with excitement by the time you're sitting in the cafeteria, the loud chattering of others blocking any thoughts you might have- but the excitement still has you fidgeting, knee bouncing under the table. There's a third table; where all the year-long campers are sitting at. They're mostly quiet, murmuring amongst themselves and shooting skeptical glances at everyone else. It makes you wonder why they're acting in such a way. You're quick to eat up all your breakfast, talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka as you wait for time to pass by. From the table ahead of yours, you catch Monoma's eyes. He sends you a wink and a military salute and you shake your head and smile in response.

You can see Monoma getting up from his table, but before he can reach you, Aizawa and Sejiro have stepped into the cafeteria, and everyone begins to quiet down.

"Good morning everyone!" Vlad King's voice booms across the room, loud and clear. "The camp leader of Shiketsu is currently unavailable to be here with us, but he's left me instructions and guidelines. Moving onto important matters, the first challenge has been decided! It will take place today, in 2 hours! Until then, you have time to prepare. We cannot reveal much information about it- only this; if you aren't good at riddles, then get to work and start studying! Participants, please meet at the campfire once the 2 hours are up." You hear some groans at the word riddle, and you find yourself sympathizing with some of them. But if there's anything you're sure of, it's that this is only the first challenge- meaning it won't be that hard. Everyone begins to shuffle out of the cafeteria once Vlad King has finished with the announcement, and you quickly catch up and find Monoma on the way out.

"Hey," you nudge him. "So how are we doing this?"

"I'm good with riddles," he said. "So leave this one to me.''

You raise an eyebrow, not feeling doubtful but simply curious. ''You sure? Never knew you were a sucker for literature." The blonde snorts, shaking his head.

"Whatever. But I do think I could use your help, now that I think about it," he spares you a glance, and you nod. "Alright, sounds good to me. What do you want to do?''

''I'm not sure," and hearing those words from Monoma are a bit of a surprise to you. "I'm not exactly sure what we can do, because we haven't been given the riddle. I guess we can just contemplate in the meanwhile and pray that we'll get through the first round," his tone is teasing, and you laugh.

"Yeah. Let's spend the next two hours doing absolutely nothing and just hope we'll win." And he's snickering at your statement, and you join in.

« ⋅✠⋅ »

"Welcome, contestants." Aizawa's voice is loud, even with the chattering of dozen of students. "Now that everyone's here, we can begin." And he's pulling out a small piece of paper, clearing his throat. But before he reads it off, he sighs.

"Oh, right." And he nods at Vlad King, who steps forward and clears his throat. "Due to the large amount of students, we weren't able to get seats for everyone, but we did get stalls for everyone. Follow along, everyone." Everyone stands up, and you look at Monoma, confused. He seems to be just as confused as you are. You're led away from the campfire, closer to the camp's lake, walking towards an empty area, sand crunching under your feet. There's a dozen of wooden stalls set up and at the front, five stalls that are painted gold. You wonder if that's the amount of people that they'll allow to pass this round. And when you look back at the amount of students, your stomach twists with anxiety. Will you really be able to defeat this amount of people? You don't even know how capable the Shiketsu campers are.

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