the highs & lows of high school ― 2.0

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By the time it's the summer before your first year of high school, Monoma's cheekiness and competitiveness have slightly cooled down. You wonder if he's finally maturing. But most of the time, he's still the smug scoundrel who loves to test your limits. With both of you living in a small, cramped town, you run into him often, much to your annoyance. Because of this, you know almost all teenagers in the town, possess friendships with many of them, so you aren't too worried about high school and the challenges it may have.

As usual, you walk with your best friend, Tsuyu Asui, to the town's high school. Unfortunately for you, it's barely seven in the morning and you've already bumped into Monoma- literally.

"Hey!" He stumbles forward but quickly catches himself, swiftly turning around with a scowl and narrowed eyes. "Watch where you're going- oh, Y/N!" His rough tone quickly switches up to the all too familiar mischievous one you're used to.

"Pleasure seeing you here on our first day of school," he says with a grin, and you snort. "Hey, Tsuyu." She simply nods in response and his gaze snaps towards you.

"Hello, Monoma," you reply wearily, already fearing what the blonde will do. While you have had positive moments of bonding with the blonde- he's still your rival and seeing him always means you've got to prepare for one of his antics.

"Oh my, you sound tired already. Is your sleep schedule that bad so soon?" He clicked his tongue in disapproval and you clenched your jaw. "We can't have that now, can we? Good luck catching up with me if you're this tired. Anyway, I've got to go now. See ya!" He shot you a wink, before jogging into the school building and leaving the both of you behind.

You sighed, rubbing your hand over your face. "Goddamn you, Monoma, " you grumbled as Tsuyu and you kept walking forward. "He loves to get on my nerves! And it's barely the first day..."

Your friend hummed in agreement, tapping her lips in contemplation. "He does seem to enjoy teasing and bothering you quite often." She gave you a side-eyed glance. "I wonder why.''

«────── « ⋅✠⋅ » ──────»

Most of your freshman year is a breeze; school is relatively easy and there's only a few bumps that you handle easily and best of all; Monoma hasn't embarrassed you at all! He hasn't been teasing or picking on you; in fact, your interaction with him has been limited throughout the school year. It makes you glad but at the same time, a twinge of sadness pools in your stomach, making you frown. Why does it make you sad? It's not like he's your friend, anyway.

You shake your head, making sure to tidy your appearance as you shake off the thoughts and hug the folder of documents to your chest. Even though you're a newbie in high school, one of your upperclassmen; a junior, Satoru Hachiro has offered to help you in biology and you took up his offer without hesitation. He told you to meet him at the school's library after class ended. And it's not like you like him or anything- and you know you'll deny the blush on your face later on,- but you did put a little bit more effort into your outfit today. You stare at your reflection in the restroom's mirror, making sure your hair was tidy and nothing was out of place. With a shaky sigh, you walk out of the restroom, heading towards the library. You push the glass doors open, eyes darting around as you try to find the boy. You quickly spot the familiar tuft of chocolate brown hair at one of the library's desks, and quickly rush towards him.

''Hi! Sorry, I'm late, I had to do something," you give him an apologetic smile as you settle down, placing your books and papers on the table and you take a seat next to him. Satoru waves you off with an easygoing smile.

"It's all good. Anyway, what are you struggling with in Biology? I'll do everything I can to help you.''

''Okay, so..." You begin to point out the topics and notes you've taken and the two of you quickly fall into a sense of tranquility as he explains a topic and you take notes. Soon enough, you've spent nearly an hour with him; with a few fleeting moments of your hands brushing together, making your face burn with heat, but thankfully, Satoru doesn't seem to notice. And if he does, it seems that he decides to not comment on it.

of rivals & summer love |  monoma x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now