Chapter two

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Harry Styles.

"It sounds a bit familiar" I yell over the music, seeing him nod. "Yeah I uh- I was in a band called One Direction a few years back" He said, and I raised my eyebrows. "Really?" I ask in shock, then I thought about it. He nodded and I laughed, "That was you?" He nodded again, a smile on his face. "You look so different! It must be your hair" I joke, his shorter curls on his head different to the long locks he had before.

"Probably, cut it a while after we took a break" I listened and took a sip of my beer, setting it down on the counter as I finished it. I opened my mouth to talk when a few people rushed into the kitchen, probably hammered and looking for food. I tensed up a bit as they knocked into me, slurring an apology and raiding the fridge.

"Wanna go outside?" He asked and I nodded right away, both of us chuckling as we walked out the front door, sitting on the porch of the big house. The loud music turned muffled as I looked up at the dark sky, you couldn't really see the stars in Los Angeles, something I missed about home.

"So tell me" Harry's voice said, knocking me out of my mind. I turned my head towards him, goosebumps on my skin whether from the cold or his stare, I couldn't really tell. "What do you mean?" I smile, his eyes grazing over my skin as he shook off his jacket.

Before I could say anything he put it over my shoulders, blood rushing to my cheeks. "Thanks" I murmur, feeling better and warm. The smell of him sneaked into my nostrils, and I found myself liking it.

"I mean tell me about you, your story."

I laughed slightly and shook my head, looking down at my feet. "My story, huh?" He nodded, waiting for me to talk. "What makes you think I have an interesting story to tell, Harry?"

My eyes moved from my feet to the ground, to his shoes and up his legs, meeting his own dark green eyes. They shined beautifully under the moons light, seeming dark and mysterious, yet I found myself falling into them. They had a slight glint in them that I couldn't quite differentiate, but it stood out.

"I'm not sure, although I have a feeling you have a very interesting one." He said, his voice having a slight rasp to it.

I shut my eyes for a second, taking a breath and opening them again, looking forward.

"Well, I was born in Vienna. Thus, my name. My mom was a firm believer that your name should mean something, or at least have a story behind it. But we didn't stay there long, we moved around a bunch. Berlin, Vietnam, Japan, then to the States. New York, Wisconsin, Washington. I somehow found my way to LA when I was 19, got my own home, got a job as waitress; which doesn't pay terribly might I add" Harry chuckled softly besides me, and I turned to him only to realize he had gotten closer in the last few minutes than I realized.

Our noses were barely an inch away from each other as my breath caught in my throat. "And?" He asked, his voice deep and his eyes locked on my lips.

"That's it" I say quietly back, both our breaths heavy as the air changed around us. Harry shook his head, a curl falling perfectly over his forehead, and I couldn't help but look at it, fixating on his eyes subconsciously. "I refuse to believe that's it, Vienna. I think you have so much more... so much more that you have yet to tell people."

I ignored his claim, my head tilting to the side as I leaned forward. He had me in some sort of trance... and I didn't want to leave. He followed my lead, my heart about to explode as some outer force seemed to pull us together.

Our lips gently brushed against each other, I sucked in a breath as electricity rushed through my veins. We hadn't even kissed yet and he was already like a drug to me.

I moved forward when he paused, making me do the same. I furrowed my brows together, looking back at him as he avoided my eyes.

"Is.. is everything okay?" He looked at me, his eyes widening for a split second before clearing his throat. "Yes- yes I- it's just... this probably shouldn't happens." He said, his voice quieting out as he spoke. I ignored the sting of rejection in my chest and nodded, looking down at the floor.

"Right. Sorry."

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just-"

"It's okay Harry" I said, cutting him off. "You don't have to explain yourself to me." I wasn't going to force him to kiss me, I'm not that desperate. He nodded and averted his eyes as I did the same.

"I should probably head home" I say, cutting through the silence as he stood up, offering me his hand which I took softly. He stood in front of me, "Which ones your car? I'll walk you." It had become awkward, I made everything awkward and I hated it.

"I actually got a ride here from Bree" I said, looking back at the door that would lead me inside. "But she's probably.. uh- busy right now" I looked down at my heels, sighing and taking them off as Harry watched me in confusion.

"What are you doing?"I met his eyes, "Walking, it's only a few miles."

It's like 10 miles.

Harry looked at me like I was crazy, shaking his head and taking my heels from my hands. He kneeled down on one knee and I scoffed. "Hey, at least take me to dinner first" He looked back up at me and raised a brow, mocking a laugh as he grabbed my right ankle. He slid my foot back in and tightened the strap, doing the same to my other foot.

I'm having a real Cinderella moment here.

"That's better, come on. I'll drive you home." I took a sigh and pushed my brows together, "Are you a serial killer?" I ask in skepticism, following him anyways.

He didn't answer my question, smirking at me which I didn't know how to react to. But I'm a dumbass, so I got in the car. I buckled in and texted Bree, letting her know who's driving me home just so she doesn't freak out. Though I doubt she'd notice.

"Your friend do that a lot?" Harry asked beside me as we drove, I hummed in response, not knowing what he meant. "Ditch you"

I frowned at his words, "She didn't ditch me." He laughed slightly and stopped at the red light, looking at me. "She left you the first few minutes you arrived." I paused, looking at him and opening my mouth, only to shut it after a second. "Were you watching me?" I ask with a smile, and this time Harry was the one blushing.

He stepped on the gas as the light turned green, shaking his head. "I was inside then, saw you and saw her leave. I wasn't watching you"

"You totally were, stalker."

He rolled his eyes but I noticed the small smile on his face. As we drove I continued to give him directions, and we ended up in front of my house after 25 minutes. I unbuckled myself and tapped my fingers against my thighs, "Right. Well, thank you for the ride."

I didn't know whether to ask for his number or get out and leave, but he decided to make the choice for me. "No problem, I'll uh- see you around Vienna." I rolled my lips and nodded, avoiding his eyes and getting out of the car, walking to my door.

I didn't look back.

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