Chapter eight

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"Wait I don't understand, he just... left?" Bree said over the phone, disbelief in her voice. I hummed, "Yeah, he said it was because of this phone call he got, but I doubt it. I should have just kept my mouth shut, not ruin the perfectly going night." I heard Bree sigh, "No babe, you did the right thing. At least now you can move on. You have lunch with Jackson today right?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I should really go though. Not in the mood for more dates at the moment" I said, rolling over in my bed to look out the window, opening the blinds and having to look twice at the figure I saw standing outside my lawn.

"Nonsense, you should go! Stick it to Harry's face that your fine without him, plus Jackson is a good guy." Bree said, but I tuned her out, shaking my head as he saw me, waving up to my window.

"Yeah uh- listen I have to go. Call you later, okay?" I say, hanging up before she could protest. I grabbed an old big sweater of mine and threw it over my almost fully naked body, boxers covering my upper thighs as I climbed down my stairs, bursting out the door.

There he was, Harry, leaning against the hood of his car with a bouquet of flowers in his hands, his hair messy as he looked at me.

I ignored his look and stormed up to him, crossing my arms as I stared at him. "I'm not apologizing" I say, seeing him nod. "I know, that's why I'm here."

"Exac- wait what?" I ask, trying to think of what kind of game he's playing here. "I want to apologize, and these," he said, handing me the flowers "are a peace offering. i'd love a do-over, tonight?"

A part of me wanted to say yes, wanted to desperately say yes. But Bree was right, I can't forgive guys so easily anymore. I shook my head, pushing the flowers back to him, "It's a nice gesture Harry, really. But I can't, I have plans." I say, turning around to head back inside when he called out, "With Jackson?"

I stopped in my tracks, turning back around "Yes, with Jackson." I saw him throw his head back, then look back at me "He's not a good guy, Vienna."

I couldn't help the scoff that left me, pointing to him lazily. "What, and you are?" The harshness in my voice was a bit mean, and I felt bad. Which immediately went away when he shrugged, "Don't know, but definitely better than that asshole."

I took a step closer to him, pushing my eyebrows together. "Tell me why you bailed yesterday." I insisted, Harry sighing as he opened his mouth to talk only to shut it again. I raised a brow, giving him one more chance. "I- I can't, Vienna!" He yelled, making me shut my eyes, walking back inside.

"Jackson would tell me" I say, turning to him before heading back inside. He called my name after I closed the door, eventually giving up and driving off. I rested my head in my hands, seeing it was almost noon and heading upstairs to change.

Great start to my day.

Since it was lunch I threw on whatever I could find, going downstairs and opening my door, almost tripping on something left at my doorstep. I look down expecting to see a package I hadn't noticed earlier, frowning as I see the same flowers Harry had earlier. I grabbed them and planned to throw them away when I saw there was a small note attached to it.

One more chance, meet me at the Harbor at 8.

I pursed my lips, looking around to see if there was even a slight chance Harry was still around. When I didn't see him I sighed, should I go? I'll figure it out later, right now I have to go meet Jackson. I put the flowers in the backseat of my car as I drive to the place he had chosen.

When I parked I saw him, standing in front of the door, baseball cap and sunglasses on.

I smiled as I saw him, waving as he noticed me

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I smiled as I saw him, waving as he noticed me. "Vienna, hey" He said, coming up to me and opening his arms up. The gesture surprised me a bit but I was happy to give him a hug, glad to be in no drama with him.

Speaking of drama, Harry's little gesture can't seem to leave my mind. As we talked in our little booth deciding about what we would get all I could think about was Harry.

Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry.

Why the fuck did he have such a hold on me?

"Vienna... Vienna?" Jackson's voice said, pulling me out of my frustrated mind. I hummed a response, seeing him smile softly, "What's going on in there?" He asked, motioning his head to mine. I shrugged, not wanting to bring up the fact I was with Harry with yesterday and that I was debating whether or not to see him again.

"Didn't get a lot of sleep last night" I lied, seeing him nod and order as the waitress came to say hi. I ended up getting a salad, not really feeling hungry.

"What'd you do yesterday? Texted you but you didn't respond until like eight." Jackson said, the question being light conversation but it felt like I was being interrogated. I ate some of my salad, shrugging my shoulder. "Was out with a friend."

Technically not a lie.

Jackson realized I wasn't going to elaborate, suddenly sitting up. I looked at him with a raised brow, seeing him smile. "What are you doing tonight?"



I thought about Harry's invitation, everyone deserves a second chance.... maybe I'll postpone.

"Nothing. Why?"

"There's a party, a friend of mine is hosting. Be my date?" He asked me, and I saw the little twinkle in his eyes that I knew couldn't lead to anywhere good.

"I'm always down for a party."

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