Chapter six

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"Why did you invite us here tonight, Harry?" I ask, the space between us not growing, as I felt his breath fall onto my skin. He hummed a small note, tilting his head as he seemed to study my features. "Us?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Jackson and I"

"You and Jackson are us now?" He said, ignoring my question, my eyebrow quirking up. "What do you mean?"

"You said us. Are you and Jackson, us?"

"Dating, you mean. Are Jackson and I dating?"

"Are you?"

"Is that your question?"

"Do I only get one?"

I pursed my lips at this back and forth, looking for Jackson but no hint of him was present. "If I answer, I get my own question.." I insist, Harry raising his brows in thought, then nodding. "Fair."

"I've only been on two dates with Jackson, this being the second one. I like him, he's nice. He's fun."

"Is that all you need? Someone nice? Someone fun?" Harry asked, stepping closer to me, trapping me by leaning his two hands against the counter around me. I tutted my tongue, shaking my head. "No no, my turn to ask a question. Why did you invite me tonight?"

"So it's just you now?"

I rolled my eyes at how he dodged my questions, attempting to get out of his grasp as he sighed. "Okay okay, I invited you here because I wanted to."

"That's not an answer."

"It's a answer."

"Harry come on-"

"My turn" He interrupted, making me frown. "Go to dinner with me" I was slightly surprised by his forwardness, but shook my head. "Not a question" I smiled slightly as he looked at me,

 "Not a question" I smiled slightly as he looked at me,

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"Okay. Vienna Winters, will you please go to dinner with me?" He said, accentuating each word.

I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face, I heard footsteps coming our way but Harry didn't budge, looking at me for an answer. I pressed my hand against his chest, feeling his heartbeat against me.

"I'll think about it" I said with a raised brow, pushing him backwards to give me just enough room to go walk up to Jackson. "There you are, got lost trying to find the bathroom. Ready to go?" He asked, seeming slightly out of breath as I nodded. Before we left I turned to face Harry, "Thank you for dinner.."

He raised a brow as I paused, "I'll see you next time" I say, a smile appearing on his face as he nodded and waved his hand goodbye, twiddling his fingers.

We walked back outside as Jackson placed his hand on my lower back, "Next time?" He asked, and I looked up at him, shrugging. "Friendly banter"

Him and I weren't a couple, no reason to tell him.

"Bring me home?" I ask, stepping in the car as he nodded. While we drove I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I wondered who it was and pulled it out, an unknown number on my screen.

813 555 0215- Next time, yeah?

Hmm, I wonder who it could be.

Vienna- That's what I said, right?

Harry- Wanted to make sure, didn't want to get my hopes up

Vienna- How rude of me not to clarify

Harry- Was just thinking the same thing

Vienna- Friday?

Harry- Perfect, I have just the place

Vienna- Ooh, which place?

Harry- Not telling you, you'll love it though

Vienna- How could you possibly know that I'll love it

Harry- I have a small idea, Vienna. You'll be surprised to know I can be pretty observational.

Vienna- Oh really

Harry- Really

Vienna- Tell me then

Harry- Tell you what

Vienna- What did you observe tonight?

Harry- I observed your boyfriend 'getting lost' funding the bathroom one door away from the kitchen

I frowned at the unexpected text, looking at Jackson next to me then back at my phone. Harry was probably just messing with me, no big deal.

Vienna- How many times do I have to tell you, he's NOT my boyfriend.

Harry- Alright, see you Friday, Vienna.

Vienna- Looking forward to it

Jackson parked in my driveway, running around the car to open the door for me as I smiled a gracious thank you, my purse in my hand as he walked me to my doorstep. I had my keys in my hand as I turned to face him, "Thank you" I said, earning a little brow raise from him.

"For what?"

"Putting up with going to dinner with me tonight, I know you probably wanted to do something else. Like, anything else." I chuckle softly, seeing him smile and shrug. "I mean, it was probably not the idea date but... it was with you, so it wasn't all that bad."


"Well, you definitely made it tolerable" I say, punching his shoulder softly as he laughed, faking a wince at my no power punch.

The air settled as I took a breath, "Right. Well, I should probably head inside, it's getting late." I say, cutting the newborn tension in the air as Jackson nodded. "Right," He said, "I'll see you..." His words faded out softly and I couldn't bare the awkwardness, "Saturday? I was planning on getting lunch."

He smiled and nodded, "Great. I'll see you Saturday, peace out Vienna." He said, pressing his pointer and middle finger to his forehead and then flicking them forward, heading to his car and driving off.

Okay, maybe not the best timing.

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