Chapter eleven

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"Stay away from Jackson."

I couldn't stop thinking about Harry's words, hearing them play on repeat in my head as I looked out the window as he drove me home. I tapped my fingers against my thighs, my head feeling light from all the alcohol running through me.

"Why?" I say out loud, turning my head to look at Harry who driving with one hand on the wheel the other in his lap. He met my gaze, raising a brow. "Why, what?"

I sat up a bit, "You said to stay away from Jackson. I want to know why."

"No you don't. Just trust me, Vienna. Okay?" I shook my head. "No. Not okay, I deserve to know why you don't think I should be with the person I'm dating."

"Just say it"

"Say what?"

"He's your boyfriend."

His words struck me in surprise, a loud cackle leaving my throat as Harry looked at me with wide eyes as I slapped my hand over my mouth in attempt to suppress my laughter. "You think Jackson and I are dating?" Harry's look was a mix of fury and confusion, with a bit of humor as he saw me and drove.

"I assumed, yeah."

"We are not dating! We've been on like three dates." I said, slouching back in my seat and shaking my head. "I need to know more about him before I decide... anything further. Which brings me to my next point, why do you want me to stay away from him? Why shouldn't I stay away from you?" I ask accusingly, Harry giving me a surprised look.

"Have I don't anything to make me untrustworthy?"

I thought about it, nothing necessarily illegal popping up in my head. "No... but Jackson hasn't either."

"Not that you know of."

"The same logic could be used for you."

Harry pulled into the parking lot, the gps having steered him there after I gave him my address. He slammed onto the breaks and shut off the car, pulling his keys out the ignition and groaning slightly, his head on the head rest as he took a deep breath.

"Vienna, listen to me very carefully." He said, opening his eyes and unbuckling himself, turning to me as I felt the air around us change. "Jackson may not seem like it, but he can get very dangerous okay? I don't want you around him, I don't want you to get hurt. You need to trust me on this okay? Please. Please just do this." He pleaded, a sincere look in his eye that I couldn't say no to.

"Okay." I whispered, not fully understanding the situation. I know I was missing something here, I wanted to find out. You don't just say someone is very dangerous without reason, I mean has Jackson hurt someone before? And how does Harry even know? Did they know each other before I met Jackson?

This was too much to handle for my intoxicated mind, I turned around and opened the door, saying a goodbye to Harry as I shut it, walking to the door. The floor behind me seemed to be moving with my feet, making me stumble on my legs that felt like jello all the way to the door.

Before I could unlock it I felt strong arms support me, Harry gently grabbing the keys from my hand and unlocking the door for me. "Thanks" I said, expecting him to leave, a bit surprised when he was still there as I turned around inside to close the door.

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