Chapter three

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"What are you talking about?" I ask Bree, frowning as the waitress brought us our drinks. I didn't sleep much last night, but still had promised I'd go to brunch with Bree the morning after. I had caught her up with what happened, when she told me her own news.

"I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend." It kind of surprised me, but at the same time didn't. No wonder he didn't kiss me, but why did he come up to me? Why did he talk to me for over an hour?

"I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic, overthinking small friendly moments" I say, taking a bit of my salad I didn't even want. Bree sighed beside me, rubbing her hand up and down my shoulder "You know, I'm not even one hundred percent sure. Adam could have just been mistaken, maybe it was just a friend."

I shook my head, "You told me Adam said Harry talks about her all the time, don't lie on my account please."

It was one night, one stranger I'll probably never talk to again.

I don't even have the right to be upset, he doesn't owe me anything. I'm stupid to think otherwise.

"Well, I know something that can bring you out of this funk." Bree suggested, making my ears perk up. "What?" She smiled brightly, a mischievous smile I knew all too well. "A blind date!" She yelled out, making jazz hands as she through out the idea. I shook my head right away, she always tried to push me in the blind dating bubble.

"No. No way Bree, I'm not going on a blind date. I'm terrible enough on real dates."

"Come on, you're being over dramatic." I'm really not, every date I've ever been on, has been a terrible disaster. "Shall I give you examples?" I say, counting off on my fingers.

"One split wine on my white t shirt, the others hair caught on fire at the Benihana, oh and do I even dare bring up the guy who asked for the waitress' number right in front of me?" Bree rolled her eyes and grabbed my hands in her own, "Please. I think this will be really good for you, I have the perfect person in mind!"

I tilted my head in doubt, really not wanting to do this. "What could go wrong? Come on, your mom always told you to put yourself out there!" My muscles tensed at the mention of her mom and Bree went quiet.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." I interrupted, "I'll do it. Tonight? Seven?" A huge smile appeared on Bree's face, seemingly forgetting the former topic as she nodded, slamming a 100 on the table and pulling me out of the restaurant. "Call an uber, I need to go home and set everything up. Call me after the date and tell me how awesome I am!!"

I couldn't help but smile at her excitement, I just wish I felt the same. I called the Uber and drove home, going through my closet to put a quick outfit together. Since it was probably just a quick dinner I decided on something simple.

I waited out the rest of the time I had until seven by catching up on a reality tv show I had been obsessing over the past few weeks and eating last nights left over pizza

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I waited out the rest of the time I had until seven by catching up on a reality tv show I had been obsessing over the past few weeks and eating last nights left over pizza. I decided to do my own version of pregaming, many people do it to get drunk before parties, I do it because I know this date will not last longer than 30 minutes without going terribly wrong.

I left 15 minutes early, driving to the restaurant location that Bree had sent me. She always tried to set up this blind dates for me, and it's always the same, "I just know he's perfect for you!" And each time, to no surprise, I never end up seeing the man of the night again.

I parked in front of the restaurant, resting my head against the seat and closing my eyes; contemplating whether I should bail or not. I know Bree would kill me but is it really worth it to go on a date if I know it's not going to last?

The worst part of it is, I can't get a certain stranger out of my mind. Harry Styles, musician, friend, and a devishly handsome prick who almost kissed me. I wonder if he really did have a girlfriend, and if that was the reason he didn't kiss me. Or what if he didn't kiss me just because he didn't think of me in an attractive way? I groaned and opened my eyes, seeing it was 7:05 pm.

Okay Vienna, you can do this. One more date, if this one doesn't go well I'm officially swearing off men.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my car, locking it behind me as I walked to the front of the restaurant. I reached for the handle, stopping just before my fingertips touched the cold metal.

Why am I hesitating?

I shut my eyes and shook my head, going to reach for it again when I hear a voice behind me, making me jump. "I'll get that for you" I look to my right to see a six foot tall man with blonde messy hair, his blue eyes meeting my dark brown ones. He opened the door for me, smiling as I thanked him.

He had a small cut on his lip, making my gaze go over his mouth, then meet his eyes as he raised a brow

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He had a small cut on his lip, making my gaze go over his mouth, then meet his eyes as he raised a brow. "Uh- wait, are you... Vienna?" He asked, looking over me making my skin grow goosebumps at his stare. I opened my mouth in slight surprise that he knew my name,

"Yes, but- how did you-"

He stuck his hand out, a smile playing on his lips "I'm Jackson, Bree's friend." He said, and I sighed, giving Bree props in my head for picking a not terrible looking guy for once. I shook his hand, laughing as he took it and spun me around smoothly, making me walk inside in front of him.

He walked up to the Hostess' stand, getting our reservation as I looked him over. He was wearing a regular dark navy blue t-shirt with light wash jeans but somehow made them look amazing.

Well done, Bree.

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