The beginning of the end

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Juvia finally got all the barrels back to the guild and everyone started cheering when she arrived. Cana grabbed her into her side and started singing loudly and obnoxiously. Juvia just blushed and smiled at everyone as she opened up all the seals. She saw Mira smile gratefully at her.

"Thank you, Juvia. You didn't really have to do this for us, I could have sent Elfman to go and get them."

Juvia shook her head. "It's fine, I wanted to do it anyway."

Juvia looked around the guild to watch everyone and her fear for them all rose. She knew that End was just after her and her blood, but he could easily use anyone to draw her out as bait. No one was really safe anymore and his powers were going to be coming back soon. She was the only one with the real power to seal End back, yet she still didn't know what the three words were.

"Oi, you okay?"

She looked up and saw Cana still staring at her. She forgot that Cana had wedged her into her side and she nodded her head at the card mage. She offered Juvia a drink, to which she declined and she shrugged her shoulders. She could sense the distress leaking right out of the water mage and tried to find the words to encourage her.

"We'll be fine. Let's just enjoy the night while we still can and then we can think about how we're going to get Natsu back."

Juvia sighed and looked down at her hands. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Well, he is on everyone's minds, so yeah, it is. That and the fact that I know how much you like him."

Juvia was waiting for some inappropriate comments and an eyebrow wiggle, but she never got it. Instead, Cana looked like she was quite serious about it. The intensity in her eyes was enough to make Juvia feel like she had done something wrong. Was she going to hate her for moving on from Gray so quickly? Was Cana going to berate her for it?

"What? No jokes or anything? No saying how fickle my heart is because it's only been almost 3 months since I moved on from Gray?"

Cana took a long swig of her drink and shook her head. "No, you were infatuated with Gray, not in love. With Natsu, you matured in your reason for love and I know that you two had way more in common than you and Gray. I know that you've been working your butt off to get Natsu back, I mean we all have, but you, you really like him. I wouldn't say it's love just yet, but it's a strong and real attraction."

Juvia was kind of surprised that Cana had said such wise words, but she knew that sometimes she was like that. She wasn't just a drunk mage who was wild, but she was observant too. Juvia smiled in appreciation and shook her head, grabbing a drink. Cana's eyes glistened at the fact that she was going to have a drinking buddy.

"You know what, maybe I will have a drink!"


The whole night went along well, with singing and fighting and kissing. Juvia smiled dreamily from it all as it finally died down. She looked over at Happy who looked like he had overdosed on fish and laughed fondly before saying her goodbyes to the mages who were still there and hadn't passed out just yet. Fairy Tail were party machines.

She grabbed up her feline friend and held him in her arms as he was in his food coma and she walked slowly back to her place. It was so nice of Yato to pay all their rent while they were away and out of jobs.

Bisca had left early with her family and they managed to drop Wendy home on their way too. Juvia put her head to the front door of the younger dragon slayer and smiled softly when she heard the soft snores of the girl.

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