Jack A- Hyde

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Jack Hyde
I might have changed this appointment to my office, but that doesn't mean I am going to stick to the plan. I have other ideas and it includes getting Laura McDermott into the hotel room I just picked up my keycard to the room at the Heathman. So to now go to the restaurant I am meeting them at.
Raymond AKA Scott
We head to SIP and reception has told us that Hyde had an appointment at the Heathman and he asked that we meet him at the restaurant inside the hotel there. She eyes me up and down and then looks at Anastasia Aka Laura.
Hannah London Receptionist SIP
Is the writer going to be with you?
Anastasia aka Laura
I am the writer.
Okay this is going to take a turn for the worse, this man will tear Hyde an new asshole. He is like twice Jack Hyde's size. I ask to talk to them in private for a moment. This child shouldn't have to deal with Jack Hyde and neither should the father. I call the owner down because I figured out what Hyde has planned. I tell Scott that Hyde has plans to get Laura alone in his hotel room after drugging her. He had set it up that so he is called to the parking garage and that's when he is sure Laura is drugged enough to get her to his hotel room. Hannah realized that an eleven year old wasn't fair game for anyone. I watch as Scott calls someone and he asks if I know that then this guy has done this before.  I tell him, that we just got wind of his activities and we had plans to set him up with the hotel being part of the plan to catch him, but not using an eleven year old.
Raymond Aka Scott
Hannah introduces me to the owner Jerry Roach and his eyes widen at seeing my daughter. He apparently was part of this setup. I ask him just that.
Jerry Roach SIP owner
I knew this was a huge mistake of setting Hyde up to catch him drugging, raping and videotaping female authors. We lost quite a few female authors after they were supposed to sign a contract with him. They said no then somehow he talked them into long term contracts. I can't go through with this now.
Raymond Aka Scott
I have a friend who can fill in for Laura and we can catch him if you really want to?
I want him in prison and off my payroll. He is worthless. Hannah does most of his work, she is one of the victims. She can't get her videotape of his raping her back. She filed charges and had a rape kit done along with bloodwork showing he drugged her. Let's do this now.
Cynthia Lewis Detective Seattle PD
Raymond called me about a situation and I got the go ahead from undercover to go ahead, they know this creep and want him badly. He made some enemies on the police force. I am filling in for Rays eleven year old daughter and my name is Laura McDermott. He will try to drug me and he has a room already, we get everything set up with a quick signature from a friendly judge and we have undercover go in and place all the equipment they need. I am wired too.
Roger Williams Manager Heathman
I take the police to the room and they set up the room and wait in the next room to listen in. They assure me no damage will be done and if there is it will be paid for by the Seattle PD. I hand them the extra cards to the rooms. I tell them to make they return them when they are done.
I look around and see huge man with a brunette with very long legs headed my way. I have drugged the water closest to me. I get up and guide the young lady to her seat. I have the book and the contract in front of me. My plan is to have the hulk paged to the parking garage after a few moments.
Raymond Aka Scott
I hear the name Scott McDermott being called and that is my cue. I head out of the restaurant. I check to make sure Hyde doesn't see me head to the elevators. Anastasia is waiting in another room next to Hyde's for her safety a police woman is waiting with her.
Hyde keeps trying to get me to drink the water, I look over the contract and make notes of what I wanted changed. He finally makes an excuse for us to meet with the visiting artist for the book cover. I have just enough water with whatever drug in it to be able to pretend to be drugged. The undercover grabs the glass of water to take and have tested for drugs. We finally arrive at his room and I ask where the artist is at?
He should be here soon. Would you like a drink?
I accept a bottle of water an notice he hid it behind him and opened it up. He turns on the music to distract me from seeing him put the drug in the bottle. I pretend to drink the water as I pace waiting for the so called artist. I sip and when he isn't watching spit the water into the planter the undercover police placed in the room for just that purpose. I pretend to be groggy.
I thought this bi—- would never pass out I walk her into the bedroom and tie her up after removing her garments. Suddenly a banging on the door breaks my concentration.
I cut the ropes off as they keep him busy at the door. I turn around so the cameras can get the whole picture. I get dressed and wait with my gun and badge that was hidden under the bed. He thinks I am tied up and waiting for him drugged out of my mind. I wait with my gun pointed at him and tell them to come in as I cuff this jerk. I read him his rights and we now have a warrant for his homes and all his electronics and his work computers as well Jerry Roach is allowing us to have free reign to investigate to find out who else he hurt and was being blackmailed by him. They grab the water bottle and the plants.
So you aren't Laura McDermott? Is she a real person?
Well I met the author unless you are a pedophile she is not your type, no one is your type. That is why you drug, rape and videotape it all. Everything you own is being searched at this moment. Good luck in prison.

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