Dream Date?

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Mia and I walk down to the boat house. I know about Mia and that she is working hard on designing clothing and trying her hand at catering. She has the building and I thought she was meandering through her life and here she is working a lot of hours and even throwing parties for her family and charity events. Her clothing is starting to gain attention as well. I knew I liked her, but she is ambitious. She loves children. And she is loyal. She would make a good wife for someone soon. I ask her out as we lean against the boat house and look at the water and stars. I look at her as she accepts my dinner invitation. I lean in and kiss her lips and she welcomes me. I pull her closer and kiss her more deeply. We finally come up for air and I guide us back to the house.
I see Ethan and Mia walking hand in hand from the boat house area. I have held all three babies and they are adorable and it is obvious they are Elliott's children. There is one thing they attract women to them and Elliott. But most women don't want to became a wife and mother on the same day. But Elliott has never looked twice at me. In this situation I think I am glad now he didn't bother asking me out. I ask Ethan if we are ready to go yet?
Mia I will call you soon okay?
Sure and see you later he kisses my lips and leaves. I watch as he and Kate head to his car. I see a text message saying he had a great time and looking forward to seeing me on our date.  He thanks me for inviting him and Kate. I tell him I was glad he came and I enjoy3d him being here and looking forward to our date.
Now I know why you invited Ethan, but why Kate?
I was hoping she still had a crush on Elliott. But they didn't seem to hit it off.
Mia a man with three newborn babies is limited in the quality and quantity of women who will date them. Kate might have had a crush on Elliott, but now he comes with three very needy offsprings.
I can't believe Kate asked me out, so did a few other female guests. Kate realized the infants were mine and needed to leave for an early morning. I got all their numbers and told them I am very busy and will call when I can. I think that after they knew I am the father of triplets that are infants they backed off a lot, oh well they know where I am. But I am not going to stay single for much longer. In the next two years I plan to be married and becoming a billionaire like Christian. We are working on a few things that will double our financial income in three years.
Teddy was happy to see his cousins. He wants Christian and I to have more babies.
I had to explain to Teddy that babies take time to grow.280 days generally. He asked us to start drawing his sibling now.
I am not surprised that everyone loved the infants. Elliott is very proud of his children. He definitely is a good parent to them. He had Gail and Jason help get him people to help out, because he can't work and care for three infants without help.
Grandma Trevelyan
I love my great grandchildren all four of them. I watch as Elliott and Christian dote over their small ones.
Grandpa Trevelyan
We welcomed the triplets and I play with my namesake Teddy. The infants are a bit squirmy for my arthritic hands to hold for long. They had a lot of friends here and Elliott still not married. Christian married that sweet Anastasia. He definitely made a good choice there.
Sophie is impatiently awaiting her sibling. Now she is playing with all the babies and Teddy. Gail can't wait until we have our baby.
I feel tired all the time and I will be happy when I have the baby. Anastasia is pregnant as well. At least these will be close in ages. Sophie was playing with Teddy and the triplets, she asked where their mommy was and Elliott had to tell her that their mommy went to heaven. It upset her and she cried. We explained that things like that happened and even though they don't have their mommy, they have all of us and Elliott as their father. There isn't kid that doesn't love play with him. He is a gentle giant.
Three days later
I invite Elliott and Mia over to my apartment. Ethan asked me to. So I order food and have it delivered to my place and have it set up. Mia knows how to cook and so do3s Ethan. Elliott came without the triplets. He said his mom and dad wanted to visit with them. We actually had a good time. He told me that the mother of the triplets was a one night stand and had no family left to allow them to go to if he didn't decide to do the right thing by them. After all he is their father and their only blood relative left in this world. I start seeing him a new light. Most confirmed bachelors don't think this way and they pass on the responsibility to others.
I see Kate differently than I did when she met the triplets. I am starting to think she thought I was using the triplets to meet women. That I don't need infants for, I am a nice looking man and wealthy. Add to it I am tall and broad shouldered. Not many would pick a fight with me. Women feel safe when out with me. I make sure they feel safe add to it I can make most people laugh. We finally hit it off.
Elliott and Kate are finally talking and laughing. Ethan told me he thought, what anyone would think when women were giving their numbers to Elliott, that he was using them to get dates. I had explained to Ethan that he had women doing that to begin with and he never had infants with him then. All of us enjoyed tonight and thought we could do it again.

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