chapter 1

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A/N: Okay so i posted this once before, but i just wasnt happy with the direction it was going. The story was dead-ending and i just didnt know what to do. So im rewriting it. I hope you enjoy, should you choose to read this.

Nea Karlsson sat by the campfire, shivering and desperately trying to warm herself. The cold pierced her thin and torn leather jacket and black cargo pants like it was made of paper as it clung to her skin. She sighed softly to herself as the warmth seeped into her toes the closer she poked them to the fire.

"Hey, Nea." Quentin said tiredly as he approached the fire and sat next to her on the log. She felt the pang of pity for him as she saw the dark circles under his eyes, the poor guy.
"Hey Q." She said, as he looked over at her and laid his head on his fist, elbow propped on his knee.

"Come here often?" He asked in a half-hearted attempt to flirt. Nea smiled at him and snorted, blushing.

"Not like there's anywhere else to go." She said, propping herself up on her elbow on the log to look up at him. He sighed sadly and nodded, his tired eyes scanning the horizon.

"If we ever get out of here, I'm gonna take you to my favorite burger joint." He nodded to himself, seemingly pleased with his smooth talk.
Nea looked at the horizon he was staring at, and smiled.

"That would be nice." She said softly. Quentin scooted his way off the log to sit on the ground by Nea and looped an arm over her shivering shoulders

"I'm cold.." He mumbled, scooching her in close for warmth, Nea gratefully accepted the body heat and leaned her head under his chin, her soft wool beanie providing a gentle cushion for Quentin's jaw. He hummed softly and closed his eyes, falling asleep slowly like that for a while. Nea's breathing evened out and slowed as she fell asleep against Quentin's warm chest. She didn't even notice as the Entity's fog wrapped itself around her ankles, and enveloped her into a trial. Quentin fell over onto the ground where she had been laying, his heart hammering in panic, and ptsd. He sat up to look around for her.

"Nea?" He asked to no one, she was gone.


When Nea opened her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of a different sky, and David was standing over her, shaking her shoulder.

"Nea!" He whispered "Nea, wake up! You're in a Trial!" He said urgently, scanning the horizon. Nea groaned and swatted at his hand, falling back asleep.

"Damn, you must be exhausted." He sighed, scooping her up and carrying her behind a corner wall, hopefully she'll be safe here. David thought as he gently set her against the corner of the gated wall, hidden behind the random Z-shaped wall in the grassy clearing. He whined when he heard Feng Min screeching across the map, for a moment he stretched his hands back out to Nea to wake her up again, but retracted them when his heartbeat picked up. He cringed when the heartbeat got too close for comfort, but it went away. David peeked out from behind the wall and saw Pyramidhead wandering around nearby. He left Nea there, fearing for her life as he ran away, in hopes of drawing the killer from his friend. The killer heard him vault over a window, and came back. Instead of finding the survivor, he saw scratch-marks that led from behind a wall. He peered behind the wall and saw Nea, slumped limply on the ground. He approached her and stabbed his knife into the soft grass, kneeling down to be level with her. He felt his chest throb as he looked her over, the small girl looked peaceful and stoic in her sleep as he gently reached up and ran his fingers across her cheekbones, waking her from her sleep with the touch. She opened her eyes and blinked up at him. She focused and gasped suddenly, as awareness and panic set in. Pyramidhead picked her up and she let out a panicked scream.

"WAIT! No! Put me the fuck down!" She gasped, struggling against his grip as he clamped down. She kicked her feet wildly, trying to connect with anything that might cause him to drop her and clawed at his wrist. He disliked watching her struggle. He debated with himself what to do with her as he tossed her over his shoulder, grabbing her tightly. She shrieked and thrashed on his shoulder and sent waves of shaking down his spine.

He let out a heavy breath as he decided. He trudged across the wet ground of the Red Forest and took her to the basement, setting her on the ground in the creepy and damp room. Nea scrambled to her feet as soon as she was let down, and scurried to the wall, her shoes scraping against the rocks and gravel on the wet concrete ground. She put her back to the wooden wall and just stared at Pyramidhead, panting as she regained her composure.

"What do you want?" She growled at him. He let out a deep breath that almost sounded like a chuckle. Bold. He liked how bold she was. She eyed the chest to her right, and looked back at him.

"Can i open the chest?" She asked, pointing at it. He stood still for a moment and thought about it, before nodding slowly. Nea crouched down and turned her attention to the rusty lock, twisting and jerking at it until it snapped open, and she could open the lid. Inside was a key.

Nea took a moment to think of a plan, but being cornered like this left her with little option. Nea took in a deep breath and looked back at Pyramidhead, he tilted his head at her and leaned against the large knife that served as his weapon and observed her. His breathing filled the room between them as she picked her key out of the chest.

"Okay, i got this, can i leave now?" She asked, confused.

Pyramidhead shook his head at her, and she just resigned herself to being cornered and stepped into the locker beside her. He watched curiously as she hopped out with a loud crash, and then jumped back in with an equally loud bang. He chuckled as she did it repeatedly, just being a nusciance. When she sat in the locker for just a moment too long, he stepped forward and grabbed the handle, swinging the door open and earning a suprised scream from Nea as he pinned her into the locker. He pressed his arms on either side of her head and leaned over to loom down at her. She panted as she looked up at him, earning a suprised groan from him. He really liked how she looked up at him like that.

Nea flinched as the loud siren of the generators finishing went off, Pyramidhead looked over at the stairway, catching Dwight and Jake descending the stairs to save his little friend. Dwight let out a low sigh as he clicked his flashlight at Pyramidhead, earning an annoyed huff in return. Pyramidhead slammed the locker doors shut and dragged the chest in front of the doors, trapping Nea inside. She screamed and banged on the doors,

"What the fuck?! No! LET ME OUT! Let me out! Dont kill me like this!" She slammed her hands against the doors in panic as Dwight and Jake rushed at the killer. Feng Min came rushing down the stairs as Pyramidhead was distracted by the boys and tried her best to move the heavy chest, with little success.

"Help me!" Feng cried as Dwight ducked a hit from Pyramidhead, giving Jake an opening to rush over and help grab the chest, they were able to lift it from the ground together and shove it away from half the locker just as Pyramidhead grabbed Jake, yanking him away from it and slamming him on the hook. His scream echoed in the small room, deafening everyone there.

Dwight managed to save Jake, and the two just ran to the nearby gate to open it as Feng Min became the target. Nea, still trapped by the chest tried desperately to use her body weight to pop open the door. She shook with rage and fear, why the hell did he do this? To taunt her? She growled in anger as the scraping of the chest outside the door caught her attention

"What the FUCK is your problem, Pyramidhead?!" She snarled as the door whipped open, and her killer loomed over her again. He yanked her out of the locker and held her close to his chest, gently cradling her against his ab muscles. His heart hammered in her ear like a drum, as he tenderly ran his thumb across her cheek, Nea felt the heat of a blush creep into her cheeks as the timer of the end game collapse came to an end and the Entity came to end her life along with it. Screaming as the muscular monster held her while the Entity stabbed away at her flesh and organs, slowly and brutally murdering her.

Pyramidhead held her gently as she died. He hated the endgame, it was the moment he felt the loneliest. Nothing in his mind could describe how badly he wanted to communicate with Nea, to ask her if she'll stay with him. To keep being bold and exciting, for him. He desperately just wanted the rebel's company. A memory of home.

He was going to make a point of letting her know next time, somehow.

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