Chapter 2

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Pyramidhead sat in the killer camp, surrounded by several other killers amongst the campfire; including a new young one in a yellow jacket, he spoke a language foreign to Pyramidhead, so he couldn't understand him. But he understood that hollowed look in his eyes, he'll kill for that delightful bloodlust. That was obvious to everyone. Pyramidhead shared a glance to an anxious looking Michael Myers, the tall human nearly matching Pyramidhead in stature, but doubled him in emotion. This killer was ready to fight, and he was itching for blood like always. Pyramidhead couldn't understand the violent need to kill someone for someone else, all he could think about was killing in general.

Killing and Nea. She'd begun to occupy his mind lately with the way she faced him head-on. She was braver than the other kills. She wanted to fight back. His heart thumped wildly in his chest at the thought of chasing her.

She'd run to the nearest pallet in an attempt to slam it down over him, whether or not she succeeded was based on his calculation and her speed. And by the god of the Realm, she was fast. She'd throw down the pallet, and whip around in an attempt to blind him with her flashlight, almost always victorious in this. She had very good aim.

He wanted to see her again, chase her through the halls of his school. He wanted to corner her again, and keep her company. Fight with her. He wanted to hold her, too. He silently cursed himself in his mind, this always happened. Cheryl had disappointed him, and somehow managed to evade catching Pyramidhead's eye. Nea surprised him with her ferocity in the trials, none of her friends matched her boldness.

A rustling in the woods behind him drew his attention, and he turned to catch a glimpse of a low sitting streak of red and black in the tree line.

The other killers noticed it too. Michael Myers, Julie from the Legion and the new killer took to their feet, staring into the woods, waiting for any sign of movement. Pyramidhead stood to join them and turned around. He stepped to the tree line with heavy footfalls, dragging his heavy knife with him. The others followed closely behind. When he saw the crouched pile of red against a tree he snatched his hand down to grab it, pulling none other than Nea herself from the bushes. She screamed like a caught rabbit and thrashed in his grip. He had no idea what to think of her being here, weren't killers and survivors separated? How did she end up here?

"Put me down! Please!" She shrieked with the effort of trying to struggle out of his grip as he pulled her into the camp.

"No!" She gasped, eyes going wide at Michael behind Pyramidhead, and began clawing at his wrist, kicking wilder

"What have we here?" Julie asked, peering around Pyramidhead. "You're a little lost, babe." She said, giggling to herself. Nea's eyes shifted between the number of killers before her, taking in the horrible possible fate for her.

The Doctor, Nurse, two members of the Legion, the Plague, Michael Myers, Trickster, Amanda Young, and Pyramidhead.

She looked at Pyramidhead, who had his giant fist wrapped around her shoulder and neck. His breathing was uneven, and she had no idea what he was thinking, but he gently set her down to her feet after she stopped kicking. Amanda approached her with a sinister smirk, eyeing her up and down.

"Do you have any idea how you got here?" She asked.

"No, i-i thought i was back at survivor camp. The fog must've messed up. I was just trying to get back." Nea looked behind her, keeping an eye on all the killers surround her. Amanda looked at Pyramidhead, and eyed Michael. Nea took a step back, debating with herself if she could outrun so many killers at once. She knew Julie was faster than her, Michael was slow but he could keep up enough to make her nervous, The Doctor could just shock her till she fell to her knees.

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