Chapter 12

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David cussed loudly as he looked around to see the streets of Haddonfield and thumped his own forehead with his fist. He took a deep breath and started walking quietly into one of the houses he knew would have a generator. He climbed the stairs and ascended the building to hear the quiet chugging of the generator already being worked on, he was relieved to see Dwight already on it, he wordlessly joined him and the two silently began fiddling with the gears and wires until more of the pistons began sliding back and forth in their slots.

"David, I'm worried about Nea. What if she's out here?" David looked to Dwight, who's brow was furrowed with concern and sweat.

"Let's hope the Entity isn't that cruel. She wouldnt be able to survive a trial in her condition." David said, unsure of himself and the situation. He gnashed his teeth in tune to the generator as all four pistons chugged in the machine, and soon was completed. They heard footsteps running up the stairs and David peered around the doorway corner to see who was coming, it was one of the new girls, Thalita something or other. David hadn't bothered to learn her last name, all he knew was that she was twins with the other one who came in with her. She sputtered in surprise at seeing David and tripped over a floorboard poking out of the floor and smacked straight into David.

"Watch it, sandbag!" He cried, shoving her off. She whipped her head around to look behind her and squeaked when a white mask poked it's head over the stairwell. David felt his heart sink.


"Fuck." David said and took off from the room of the house, leaving Thalita to her fate. He felt remorse for her when he heard the swish of his blade and the squelch of her flesh being ripped open, he didn't even register her scream. He just ran. He ran clear across the street and into the opposite house from the one he had just left behind, and circled around the back where he heard groaning, he followed the sound to see poor Nea propped up against the back wall, holding her side. She was nearly naked except for a thin strip of bandaging around her chest and her pants.

"Fuck, what are you doing here?!" He knelt down to help Nea stand, but she pushed him off.

"Im just waiting for the stupid fucking killer to show up and finish me off. Just leave me, im dead weight." She said firmly, trying to scooch away from David's helpful hands.

"Im not gonna just leave you here! Goddamnit why do you have to be so fucking stubborn at times like this?" He said, grabbing her by the arm and hoisting her up to his level. She let out a cry of pain and nearly stumbled back down to her knees.

"David, just go! Ill be fine. I just need to either lose the trial or find the hatch. I can't do this right now!" She insisted, but David was having none of it. He grabbed her under the knees and carried her into the house and into the basement where a generator laid in wait.

"Look, just let us handle Micheal, you worry about this generator right here, okay? When its done i'll come and get you and take you to another one." David said, lowering her to the ground gently to her feet and helping her kneel to the ground in front of the machine.

"O-okay. But what if Micheal comes?" Nea said, unsure.

"Dont worry about him. I'll regroup with Dwight and Thalita and we'll keep him busy. He won't have time to come find you." David patted her head and turned to walk away. He ran up the stairs and into the street, where Dwight was trying to run Micheal around a couple of police cars, with a standing pallet between the two. David ran out and circled around Haddonfield, the slow chugging of Nea's generator filling the space he left behind. He ran around the empty houses until he heard another generator nearly finished. He ran towards the sound and found Thalita working on a generator of her own. David plunged his hands into the free wire side and began sparking and connecting the wires he found all too familiar. For a moment he wondered if he ever escaped the Realm, he could open a machinery repair store. He shook the thought from his head and turned his attention to Thalita for a moment,

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