chapter 8

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Nea glared at a sneering David over the campfire. He'd left her for dead in trials every chance he got ever since the incident with Pyramidhead. Dwight had tried to play mediator to little effect, but at least he tried, he thought. David nudged Yui's arm and muttered something in her ear, and the motorcyclist shook her head wordlessly at him, denying whatever point he was trying to make.

Nea scoffed, sick of the energy rolling off the wrestler and just stood up abruptly to leave as Feng caught her by the glove.

"Dont let it bother you." She whispered softly, and Nea nodded, scratching Feng's palm with her fingertips playfully in an attempt to mask her inate discomfort.

"I'll see you later. I dont exactly feel welcome here anymore." She said softly, releasing Feng Min's fingers and stalking off into the darkness of the forest, stopping at her tent to pick up a backpack that held her paint cans and various other personal belongings into a bag and slinging it over her shoulder before heading for the crack in the wall.

Pyramidhead would at least be welcoming.

She stalked through the weeds and overgrown as she made her way to the edge of the wall, she let her fingers drag on the cold stone, pocked with holes and scored in places with tally marks made mostly by Dwight, in a feeble attempt to count days when he was first thrown into the realm. Nea traced a couple of them as she passed by, then swung down to duck under low hanging tree branches, and into the crack to the Killer's camp.

She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, hoping she wouldn't run into Ghostface or worse. She crouched low to the ground, seamlessly keeping her balance and speed as she crossed the clearing towards the faux Midwich. The sound of yelling was apparent throught the air, seems like discord didnt stop at the survivors.


Pyramidhead stood in the circle of killers surrounding the campfire, sword staked into the ground. He wasn't even sure what he was doing with himself. He just decided to watch. He was watching the killers congregation amongst themselves around the campfire, the Legion had riled themselves up in thier own group which in turn energized some of the more stationary killers, until it evolved into activities that Pyramidhead didnt feel the need to participate in.

He watched as Suzie had cleanly knocked her companion Joey unconsious in a playful tussle, and Frank and Julie jovaliy drinking beverages between themselves. Micheal stood wordless, and expressionless the entire time, but gripped his knife like if he let go he was going to disappear. Trapper sat on a stool across the fire from Pyramidhead, and cleaned his blade thoughtfully. He wasnt joking like usual amongst his peers. He looked serious for once. This put Pyramidhead on edge. He watched the small man as he stared into the fire, lost in his own thoughts.

Pyramidhead watched as Huntress tossed hatchets into trees along with Trickster, trying to contest between the two. He wondered how far he could throw his knife if he tried, momentarily.

His attention was cut off by two members of the group splintering off, and stalking into the darkness.

Amanda and Ghostface?

Pyramidhead had a bad feeling about it, but continued his post as he stared after them until they disappeared.

He figured he would stay a little longer to police the festivities, then go home. Clearly everyone here didnt need to be babysat tonight.


Nea made it to the iron gates of Midwhich, the big, rusted iron gates kept standing by the surrounding stone walls towered above her head as she gripped the closed iron bars. Was he not here? She wondered as she looked through the bars. She shrugged to herself and turned to lean against the wall, sliding her body down the cool, rough brick.

She closed her eyes as she sat there for a while, hoping that Pyramidhead would show soon. She waited for what felt like ages, the only track for time was the cool rock behind her head seeping into her scalp slowly, cooling the warmth under her beanie. She almost drifted off into sleep before the abrupt shift in the atmosphere caused Nea to open her eyes, and look around. She swallowed as she sat up a bit, squinting into the darkness.

Was it just in her mind? She wondered. Could be. But then again, she wasn't exactly safe here. She stood to her feet, readying herself to run if necessary but standing firm in case she was just getting anxious over nothing.

Her fears were confirmed when she heard the loud snarl of Amanda behind a tree just as she pounced on Nea. She let out a yelp and bolted in a different direction, kicking off the wall to give her a boost of speed. Amanda's knife cut through the air behind her, nearly clipping into her heel.

"Can't hide, little bird!" She heard a different voice say, and she felt sick to her stomach as she turned and saw Ghostface chasing after her alongside Amanda. Nea felt her soul leave her body as she realized she was completely screwed, all she could do was run for it and hope for the best. She tried to make for the crack in the wall but Amanda caught up to her and threw herself at Nea, tackling her to the ground. Nea shrieked angrily and kicked and squirmed under her, desperately trying to escape.

"Not this time, girly." Amanda said, giggling as Ghostface caught up.

"Nice tackle, Mandy." He chuckled darkly as he give Nea a kick in her ribs, causing her to gasp and cough, the pain shot through her entire side, and she stopped breathing for a second.

"You know, i was really disappointed in you today, Nea." Ghostface said, thumbing his knife out of it's holster. "I was really hoping you had a better answer for me. Now I just wonder what would happen if Pyramidhead found out i actually killed you." He said, caressing the knife against Nea's face as he crouched down to be on one knee.

"Fuck you! He'll rip you to shreds!" Nea snarled, shaking as the knife pressed so slightly deeper, nearly slicing into her cheek.

"It would be worth it just to hear you scream." He said, and took his knife off her face.

"Move, Amanda." He said, sternly. She picked herself up off of Nea with a little dark giggle, and stabbed her knife into Nea's shoulder to pin her to the ground as she stood. Nea couldn't help the shriek that escaped her lungs.

Ghostface plopped down on her back, straddling her again. He took his knife and began carving at Nea's skin on her back. The shrill screams of pain were cut off by a kick to the ribs. Nea wasn't sure who delievered it, all she could think about was the pain. She sobbed as the knife cut deeper into her shoulder, touching bone. She couldn't handle it, the pain was enough to have her just begging for death. She couldn't get a word out through Ghostface's artistic-like cuts. He seemed to be drawing on her back, like it was paper rather than someone's skin. All the while he was laughing to himself.


Pyramidhead was making his way back to Midwhich, all the while keeping an eye out for the two that snuck away. He was hoping they weren't off having it out at each other, again. He didnt feel like breaking up another fight tonight. He dragged his heavy feet along the ground, he wanted to get home and relax, maybe settle down in his room and wait for Nea to show up. The gates to his home came into view quickly, but he stopped when a small backpack on the ground caught his attention. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was foreign to him, but as he turned it over in his hands he recognized it as a bag he's picked Nea up by many times before. His heart stopped in his chest for a moment before pounding loudly.

Was Nea already here? He wondered, looking around. Dread crept in as the overwhelming silence was broken by screaming he could recognize anywhere. He dropped the bag and took off in it's direction.

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