chapter 9

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Nea cried on the ground as Amanda watched, shaking her head.

"You're one tough little cookie, ill give you that." She said as Ghostface stabbed into Nea's shoulder again. He was trying to kill her agonizingly slowly for his own pleasure, taking pictures every once in a while. He felt himself addicted to the sound of her screams, and the slick feel of her blood in his hands.

"Don't tease her, Amanda. Let the girl die with dignity." He taunted, putting the knife to Nea's chest, raising it high in the air. Panic, dread, fear swirled together in a mix of emotions in Nea, but most of all, heartbreak. All she wanted was to see Pyramidhead again, it surpised her how badly this was her last wish. To hold his gentle but rough hand one last time, and to feel his warmth. She hiccuped a sob, and reached her hand out in a pitiful attempt to block Ghostface's knife as she let out one more desperate cry,


Her cry was answered by a sword that was bigger than Ghostface himself crashing into the wall above his head, he dropped the knife in suprise, cussing loudly as he attempted to scramble off Nea, and look behind him.

Pyramidhead was red with anger. His shoulders let off a steam in the cold air surrounding him as he charged at the two killers. Ghostface scrambled to his feet, leaving his knife behind and making a break for the woods, Amanda panicked and ran into the crack to the survivor side, where Pyramidhead couldn't follow. Nea let out small hics between breaths as she shook on the ground, the pain holding her hostage in her own body.

"Nea!" Pyramidhead's voice cried above her as he stood over her, kneeling to his knees. His heart throbbed loudly in his chest. He shook with anger, and a new emotion he hadn't had the experience of before- fear. He feared for Nea's life as he gently peeled away the tattered remains of her jacket, to expose the injured flesh underneath. She flinched and a small, broken sound escaped her throat as he touched her skin. She was trembling and convulsing in pain as he touched her.

"We're Sally." He said, determination and panic gripping his voice as he tried to gently scoop Nea into his arms, she let out a cry and whimpered as he cradled her, jostling her in his arms. He quickly took to the direction of camp, his pace getting quicker as the campfire came into view. Sally was floating gently in the air by The Wraith as Pyramidhead emerged from the trees.

"Sally!" He cried, Philip turned into his direction and his face fell, Sally turned around to look behind her and gasped.

"Bring her here." She wheezed, gesturing for Pyramidhead to follow her to her tent. He gently placed her on her table. Nea had passed out at some point during transfer. His heart felt like it was shaking, his entire chest was locked. He fought to take in a deep breath as he saw the amount of blood that had soaked into Nea's clothes, and spilled onto his chest and hands. He looked at his hands as Sally immediately went to work cutting away the remaining tatters of Nea's clothing to begin sewing up her wounds.

"Leave, Pyramidhead. I'll call you back when she's done." Philip said behind him at the door, he was shaking as he placed an arm on Pyramidhead's shoulder. He hadn't seen such carnage take place in camp before, in all his years of being here. In the trails was one thing...but Philip felt unnerved by the blood being spilt in his home. He tugged at Pyramidhead's shoulder, and pulled him from the tent.

"Who did this?" He asked, as Pyramidhead just stared at his hands, the blood beginning to dry.

"Ghostface. Amanda." He said plainly.

Philip went silent for a moment, before letting out a small sigh.

"Those two always like to break the rules. I'll go and find them." Philip said, patting his friend on the shoulder. "You stay for Nea."

Pyramidhead didnt respond, instead he just nodded. He stood motionless, staring at the tent door flap. It seemed as though he waited en eternity, and he didn't know what to do with himself.

It wasn't until the sound of someone screaming cut through the air did he jolt out of his trance. He turned to look around the camp, and not a soul was visable. He assumed it must have been the Ghostface.

Our rules are absolute. He thought, trying to not feel remorse over his fellow killer being punished, but he dismissed the urge as soon as Nea's blood on his fingers was brought to his attention again. He pressed his fingers together, rubbing the drying blood away into little crusty bits. He mentally cursed himself for letting Nea get hurt again. He regretted not following Amanda and Ghostface sooner. He hated the two of them. He wanted to rip the small man to pieces himself.

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