The Staircase Method

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Play some subliminals or frequencies and lay in a comfy position.

Now close your eyes, relax, and visualize yourself on a room with a staircase leading up, walk up the stairs and as you do imagine what you will do when you shift to your DR.

Do that until you reach the top (take as much time as you want), once you reach the top you should see a mirror, and in the reflection you should see your CR self.

Then turn around and look at the door in front of you, now open the door and see a staircase going down.

Now feel your vibrations rising as you walk down the stairs.

Once you go down the stairs there should be another door, open it. once you open the door you should see a significant person from your DR (boyfriend, girlfriend, best-friend) and then they'll ask you 'ready to go?' if yes take their hand, if not, open your eyes and go about your day.

If you said yes imagine you and them walking down a long black hallway and then asking questions about your DR (basically tell them the basic outline of your script, age, gender, where you are shifting too.)

Then there will be yet another door, when you open it people from your DR will be around you and you will be in the reality you want.

Now that your in your DR go to your DR bed and fall asleep in the same position that you started the method in.

You should wake up in your DR.

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