2. Welcome To Konohagakure

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The village was busier than I remember, but with Naruto'a wedding coming up and more and more people moving here, it seemed like the city never slept. Not only did every stand and restaurant make the streets smell delicious, but the blooming Sakura trees were super fragrant. They're my favorite. I forgot how beautiful this time of year really was around here.

I decided to set myself up in an Onsen for the next few days. I knew I could stay with my mother, but for as much time as she is looking to spend with me, it will be abnormal... I need my own space, but most importantly a bath.

It had finally gotten late enough to where all the stars were out, visitors of the hot spring had gone home for the night, and travelers were out gambling or drinking. I was truly alone. After my relaxing hot soak, I began to gather my things and without even thinking about it, I was singing to myself. Before I walked inside, it was then I felt eyes on me. I drew a kunai and threw it towards the dividing wall. I must've been overthinking things as I no longer sensed anyone around.

I went to gather my kunai and found it had landed in a perfectly cut, small hole in the wall. "That damn Jiraiya, I just know he made this hole at some point," I laughed to myself, as I inspected it. Even if he was pervy, I still loved him and missed him most of all.

The following morning, I met my mother for tea and breakfast. We chatted about my travels and I jokingly told her about the hole in the wall at the onsen. She didn't even hesitate before guessing dad made it. It gave us a good laugh. We talked about what my next plans may be, but I'm honestly not sure where I'll go next.

"Do you think you'll stay in Konoha?" She pressed.

"I'm not too sure about that one either, now that there are no more wars for shinobi, I'm sure there's not much of a need for me to rejoin the ANBU..." I trailed off.

"No but, what gives you purpose? For me it was medical ninjutsu, your father's purpose was finding Naruto and fulfilling his prophecy. Have you thought about yours?" She asked.

"I'm honestly not sure about that either... I always thought I'd die in action, be used for my cells or an experiment. But now that I have no reason to fight, I'm confused on what else there is," I said growing a little depressed.

She sensed that I didn't want to speak of it further, thankfully Shizune interrupted us and my mother was called to assist at the hospital. I decided to tag along, I was surprised to find Sakura there, training new teams of medics. She finally became a jonin, I felt like a proud older sister. When my mother was called away for hokage responsibilities, if I didn't have a mission, it was just me and Sakura training together. I was happy to see her so successful.

"Maybe you could help out in the hospital," I heard my mother softly say over my shoulder, as we both observed Sakura.

"That's not a bad idea, I'm sure you two could use all the hands you can get from time to time, but I'm not sure it's truly for me... if it's my purpose," I said.

"You'll never know until you try," she said, "Come on, we have a surgery to get to."

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