3. Naruto & Hinata's Wedding

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I made sure I was one of the last guests to arrive before the ceremony started. The fewer conversations I had to have, the better. Being here made me feel like such an outsider. As if I could have had such great friend, like Naruto and Hinata do, had I attended the academy or participated in a three man team. Instead, I was an early graduate straight to the ANBU. The few people that I did know from that time are either deceased or probably on duty right about now. And I wasn't about to stay on Tsunade's hip all night. Thank goodness I wasn't blessed with her anger issues... or even her chest, or else I think everyone would have guessed were related by now.

The ceremony itself was actually quite beautiful. They really do love each other, it made me wonder if I'd ever find someone like that. Or if I would end up like my parents, or worse, like Tsunade... and her life-long broken heart.

During the ceremony and even the start of the reception, I felt the same chakra and gaze as I did the other night at the Onsen. But where on earth could it be coming from? I began to worry if this person was actually pervy or if they used it as a cover just to hide and eventually attack me. For the sake of the party, I finally decided to join my mother and Shizune. Just as I had thought, the person watching me had aborted their mission.

In true Tsunade fashion, she insisted I drink sake with her. And after a little more than a few shots, she dared me to do karaoke. Though I had never sung in public before, my liquid courage and the dying down of the party told me that I had nothing to fear.

As I got up to the little stage, I could hear Sakura and Ino cheer for me. I belted my heart out, by the time I was finished, it seemed like the party had regained its members. I had a full audience. I spent the entire song with my eyes closed, I finally opened them for the applause.

I bowed and passed the mic to the next person. As I approached Tsunade's table, a silver-haired gentleman was sitting next to her. I thought he looked oddly familiar, until I realized he was Lord Sixth.

"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," he said, giving me a closed eye smile.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, that means a lot coming from you," I said trying to be as sober as possible.

"You're welcome. No need to be so formal, just Kakashi is fine," he insisted.

I sat down next to him and challenged Tsunade to another round. "Can't keep up, old lady? Ready for bed are we?"

"Who the hell are you calling an old lady, I don't look a day over twenty-five," she slurred.

"So were the same age now are we?" I laughed, it even made Shizune giggle.

"And where did Tsunade find you?" Kakashi implored.

"What do you mean? I was born and raised here," I questioned, "As Hokage, shouldn't you know what all of your Shinobi look like?" I gave him a slight smirk to let him know I had no poor intentions.

"Young lady watch your mouth, I raised you to have better manners," Tsunade said now with her head resting on her arms.

"Ah, I see. You must be Erizabesu, it's a pleasure," he embarrassingly blushed.

I stood to go get a better drink. "The pleasure is all mine," I said then I leaned into his ear and whispered, "Hokage-sama." I left his side by seductively brushing his shoulder with my fingers.

Kakashi's eyes went wide and he blushed brighter than an Uzimaki's hair.

"Are you gonna go follow her? I need a reason for her to stay in the village... You need a girlfriend anyway," Tsunade said, half-passed out.

"Right... If you'll excuse me," he said and followed far behind me.

I felt Kakashi approaching me, but decided to ignore him.

"Double whiskey on the rocks please," I said to the bartender.

Kakashi cleared his throat and said, "I wanted to apologize for my poor first impression. I'm Kakashi Hatake, it's very nice to meet you." He nervously rested one hand behind his head.

I downed my whiskey and tipped my bartender. Once the bartender was gone and occupied, I drew my kunai from my leg holster under my dress and pushed Kakashi into a dark corner.

"You wanna tell me why you were spying on me the other night, Kakashi?" I gripped my kunai that was at his neck.

"Woah hey, I wasn't trying to be creepy... I was just distracted by your singing... you almost took my eye out you know," he blushed.

I withdrew my kunai, I knew I had to have some sort of ANBU on my tail now. Just what I needed.

I sighed, "Don't be so pervy next time and maybe I let you keep that eye."

"Noted," he began to continue the conversation but I was already back on a barstool, waiting for another whiskey.

He invited himself to pull up a seat next to me and nervously said, "This may sound strange but before this week, I think we've met before."

"Impossible," I said then slammed my shot, "The only other ANBU I have ever worked with was Itachi... and that was a long time ago..." I could hear the drunken sadness in my voice.

"I think it was more recent than that. I think you may have been my medic at the end of the war," he smiled through his mask.

"Hard to say, I've helped a lot of shinobi," I took my last shot, stood and hesitated before saying, "I appreciate what you're doing for my mother, but I'm sorry, baseless flirting from the Hokage won't keep me in Konoha... Good night... Kakashi."

"Wait-," he called, following me out of the wedding reception, "I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused you. I just wanted to honestly tell you how beautiful you and your voice are... and that you are one strong kunoichi, I don't need to see you fight to know that... At least let me walk you home?"

I took a deep breath and said, "You're still going to be persistent, if I say no, right?" I laughed.

"You got me there," he shrugged.

"Fine, but a walk home and that's it... that means no spying on me while I'm naked tonight," I teased and elbowed him.

"Fair enough, you got me there... but I'm sure I'm not the first to think that you are stunning," he flirted.

I began to drunkenly stumble over my own feet as I caught his gaze. After he picked me up and carried me back to the Onsen, everything became a blur.

A Shinobi from the Shadows: Kakashi x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ