trench coat

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"And in order to build rapport with your patients, you must remain respectable and maintain boundaries. Once the rapport is broken, the patient will never get better, and will not take your nutritional advice." One of Louis' professors explains as he walks around the auditorium, speaking to his 130 students in his class. Louis was hardly paying attention, as he chewed on his pen cap and shook his leg anxiously. Sitting for long periods of time was not his forte. Shortly after reviewing rapport building and maintenance, the professor allowed for some students to share some examples of good rapport.

Louis hardly cared to listen.

That was until he was called on.

"Louis? Tomlinson?" The professor reads from his clipboard attendance.

People turn around to stare.

"Huh?" Louis shakes himself to reality.

"Louis? Could you give an example of good rapport?"


"Well, try."

Louis stands up.

"Um, when I used to live in a group home, my doctor was really nice and made treatment easier on me." Louis nods and goes to sit down, that was before questions are thrown at him.

"Why were you in a group home?" A girl sitting towards the front of the class asks, and now everyone is staring. Even the professor looks intrigued, and doesn't stop this from where it's going.

"I was sick." Louis answers.

"Of what?" Another guy asked.

Louis can feel his cheeks heat up. This was embarrassing.

"Uh, I had an eating disorder. And it got so bad that I had to be sent away from home."

"What eating disorder?"

"Is that why you're studying nutrition?"

"You don't look like you have an eating disorder."

That took Louis out. He remembers of all the ignorant things he would say to the boys when he first got sent to the home. How he made Niall cry on his first day.

"I had bulimia. And yeah, I'm here to study as a dietitian because with future bulimics in the hands of people like you, they'll never get too far." Louis snaps and packs up his bag before storming out the auditorium.

"And fuck you, you bald headed fuck." Louis says to the professor and he's left there, flabbergasted. He can hear silence from half of the students and the other half is giggling, he doesn't care. He just keeps walking.

"Yeah, I gotta drop that ethics and policy class." Louis says as he's sat in front of his academic advisor, Ms. Lindsey. She's a nice lady. She had pretty blonde hair and her desk is covered with pictures of her son. He looks just like her.

"What? That's one of your required courses, you need it to graduate."

"I'll take it in the next term. I fucking hate that class." Louis looks around the office.

"Why?" She asked, noticing that he was not paying much attention to what was going on, like he was distracted. He keeps messing with the nicknacks she has placed on her desk. He's like a child. She doesn't blame him. Eating disorders, and everything else he's been through, are traumatic.

"The professor was a dick."

"What happened, Louis." Ms. Lindsey asked, feeling slightly concerned. She had been Louis' advisor for 4 years now, always helping him since the beginning. She watched him grow from a reserved child to a very smart young man.

Dancing with Strangers // sequel to bag of bones // zianourryWhere stories live. Discover now