6 years.

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This story takes place 6 years after discharge from the home. The boys have since gone separate ways and have no form of communication with each other or are aware of any of the others whereabouts. Even Liam is in the dark. Their ages are as follows

Louis- just turned 26
Zayn- 24
Niall- 23, to turn 24 in the story
Harry- 23

Liam does make appearances in the story as well, he is 35, to be 36.

I don't know how I will incorporate eating disorders in this story but I know it will be here and there so big trigger warning. Also, trigger warning for the following:

• alcoholism and drug use
• rape and sexual assault
• other kinds of violence.

enjoy. here is book 2 to bag of bones.

Dancing with Strangers.

* about 3 weeks after Louis moved to London*

"God, I can't fucking breathe." Louis groaned as he sat on the floor of a disgusting night club and bar bathroom. It had taken him 10 minutes to stumble on in here, after a couple hours of excessive drinking with a couple of friends he met at orientation. It was the weekend before classes were in session, and they decided to get shitfaced. Louis got hit the hardest, as he does not know limitations and pace. He threw back more shots than a girl on her 21st birthday. Now, he was next to the toilet, waiting to throw up, but couldn't. It was like his body would turn against him and refuse to vomit because it was what caused his body to get so jacked up in the first place. Now, any type of vomiting was prohibited. Unless forced upon, but Louis' brain could not get his fingers to dig that deep into his mouth and cause induced vomiting. The guys who were in the stall with him were no help, as they were also drunk. He can't really remember their names right now, he only agreed to come out tonight because he knew there would be booze.

"Woah, Louis. You don't look so good man." One of the guys said and Louis tried to look up but his vision is warped and does not stop spinning. He groans and puts his head against the wall.

"Fuck, what do we do?" Another guy says.

"Harry?" Louis mutters out, but the guys barely hear him. Louis is not sure why he just said Harry's name. It could be because he was the one who knew what to do when Louis was completely fucked up. He took care of him and helped Louis almost instantly feel better. But Harry was not here. So Louis was screwed.

"What'd you say Louis?" Asked one of the guys. Louis doesn't even know the names of these people, he just saw an opportunity to drink and took it.

"I think he said 'Harry?'"

"Who the hell is that? A friend?"

Louis was looking worse and worse by the second. The longer these assholes left Louis laying there with all this alcohol in his system, the more likely he was to get alcohol poisoning. Suddenly, his hearing is going in and out. He only hears partial sentences and phrases if he really focused.

"She'll know what to do."

"She hasn't been drinking that much."

"She's the most sober."

"Well, someone go get her then!"

Louis has no idea who they are talking about but he can suddenly hear a female voice. It makes him cower back because after all, he is in the men's room.

"Where is he?" The woman asked and he hears her heels clanking on the cement, and coming closer. Through very blurred vision, he can see a pair of black heels as well as very long, and tan legs. He can't see her face, but he can tell she has long brown hair.

Dancing with Strangers // sequel to bag of bones // zianourryWhere stories live. Discover now