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Eleanor couldn't interest herself in a shopping trip for Niall. So Louis left her in the car while he did the grocery shopping. He couldn't argue with her about Niall. It wouldn't end well in her favor.

Louis doesn't know what he should make. Niall was never one to be hard to impress. He'd eat just about anything. Uh, if he was still like how he was when he was 16. Louis hopes for the latter.

He finally decides upon spicy honey chicken wings and a side of sweet potato fries. Junk food, without the guilt. Louis didn't want to feed Niall if it was going to enable unhealthy eating habits. Even if he wasn't a binger anymore.

Louis pays and goes back to the car to drive home.

In silence.

Eleanor let's Louis cook alone as she sits herself on the couch in the living room. Once she can actually smell that he's cooking chicken, she gets up to confront him.

"What're you making him?"

"Chicken wings."

Eleanor scoffs. Louis raises an eyebrow.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, I just don't recall you making me any special meals. And I'm your girlfriend." Eleanor says, with careful thought in every word. Almost like she wants her words to sting. And they do. They make Louis want to cringe.

"I haven't seen Niall in nearly 6 years. I didn't even recognize him. How could that be? We recovered from an eating disorder together. It was ugly and traumatic the things we saw. You couldn't understand."

"Hmm. But have you forgotten I'm a vegetarian? I can't even eat the dinner."

"Hmm." Louis hums this time. Eleanor taps her foot impatiently.

"You have leftover cauliflower the fridge. Give it to me and I can throw them in the leftover sauce."

"Really?" Eleanor asked, slightly pissed. She hated being an afterthought.

"Yes, really. What? You love cauliflower wings." Louis says, trying to act like he knows everything about this girl.

Eleanor's lips start to curve into a slight smile. She caves and gives Louis the vegetables from the fridge.

Once he was done cooking, Niall decides to call. Impeccable timing, really.

"Hello?" Louis answers.

"Hi." Niall says back.

"Hi." Louis repeats, chuckling a bit. Because it's funny how awkward they are. They never had a proper phone conversation before and it feels weird.

"My last class just finished."

"Tell me all about it over dinner."


"I'll text you my address. Hurry!"

"Okay! Okay!"

Louis laughs and hangs up and quickly shoots the text. He goes upstairs to change his clothing into something more posh, unlike his street clothes he wears to school. A classic beige v neck and dark blue jeans do the trick. Eleanor followed him upstairs and feels anger boil inside of her watching her boyfriend basically getting ready for some kind of date. She thought Niall was supposed to be a friend, but Louis is acting like he's the Queen or some shit.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Louis asks as he feels her stare burn into his skin.

"How come I've never heard of Niall until today?"

Dancing with Strangers // sequel to bag of bones // zianourryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ