we're over.

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Maverick smothers gravy all over his mashed potatoes.

Again, Louis treats the child to another dinner. Him and Niall are sat across from him. Maverick wouldn't speak of his update unless he was given more food. To make up for his number being blocked. He was able to find his number on Louis' phone, sure enough, in the blocked callers in settings. That may or may not have been Eleanor, he's not sure yet. Louis hadn't spoken to her. The child again ordered a bunch of food again. Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, extra brown gravy, a side of mac and cheese, a slice of apple pie, a slice of blueberry pie and vanilla ice cream, and a sweet tea. Louis thinks Mavericks eats like this because he can. Because one day he knows that this food will all go away, and he has to savor every moment of it. The most luxurious thing he can get at the brothel is a large Big Mac meal, if he meets his quota for clients he's serviced. Niall shifts in the seat next to Louis. He can tell he's uncomfortable watching a young child experience a binging episode. Maverick probably wouldn't consider his eating habits a disorder, but to Niall that's all it is.

"I'm sorry." Louis whispers to Niall. The two boys have sweet potato pancakes with hot honey and fried chicken combo. Neither have really touched their food. Maybe it's anxiety.

"It's alright."

"You the binge eater?" Maverick asks with a full mouth of mash potatoes, he starts shoving a forkful of green beans in his mouth at the same time. It makes Niall nauseous.

"You told him?" Niall asked, and shoots an annoyed look at Louis. Louis gives him a glare right back. Niall's gotten pretty good at glaring.

"Nah, Harry told Foxy. Foxy told me."

"Oh my god, more prostitution talk." Niall says exasperatedly.

"Well, I am a prostitute. Can I get an order of fried chicken legs Louis?" Maverick asks.

"Fuck to the no. Your whole meal as of now is at least 20 bucks. Now talk. You're pretty good at doing that while you eat. Almost barfed a couple times with the amount of talking you do with your mouth full of food." Louis says.

Maverick wipes his mouth with a napkin.

"Fine, let me have yours then. Not like you're eating them."

"No, you greedy shit! This is dinner for my shift tonight."

"Fine, how about you pudgy?" He asks Niall.

"Hey!" Louis snaps.

"What the hell did I do to this kid??" Niall says, shellshocked.

"He's not even eating them! C'mon!" Mavericks says.

"No! You're acting like a little cunt." Niall says, his frustration manifesting in a thicker Irish accent as he talks.

Maverick chuckles, he likes getting these two riled up. It's rather comedic.

"There was a sighting of Harry."

Niall and Louis sit up more straight in their chairs.

"Go on." Niall urges.

"He was seen in boys town, far across London."

"Boys town? What's he doing in boys town?" Louis asked, disgustingly. Niall slaps his arm.

"Now, don't you try to get all homophobic on me now Louis, it may have worked with Harry, but it doesn't fool me. I make a living off of sleeping with closeted men. Your closet has glass doors." Maverick says as he spoons a piece of apple pie and ice cream in his mouth. Niall tries to hold in his laugh and this time, Louis slaps his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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Dancing with Strangers // sequel to bag of bones // zianourryWhere stories live. Discover now