Chapter 19 A Daring Escape

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For the first Alyssa's voice sounded like she was in pain. As she cried out power surged through her body and her wounds began to heal. Cody realizing what's happening disappeared to tell Jake the news. James meanwhile watched in awe.

Augustus looked at the far wall it had a tapestry of what looked like the future battle, he saw himself fighting dragons, not Deathbringer like he wanted to. He looked closer and saw Alyssa fighting alongside Deathbringer they were fighting a huge dragon. Augustus assumed it was the leader he saw some unicorns fighting unicorns and became confused. Maybe it was the unicorns that were on the unicorn King's side. He moved down and saw the end of the tapestry, a huge sword coming down but upon who he didn't see for it was ripped. He hoped it was the evil side that was getting the sword.
Augustus heard a roar and nearly jumped out of his skin, the dragons were loose and he had to warn the others. He ran back to the unicorn Kingdom.

Emily was caught by a black unicorn with burning red eyes. She was barely conscience but she said "thank you." Jake knew that it was a terrible thing to make them go to dragon mountain and upon hearing the monstrous roar and a cry for help he had to come to the rescue. When he had arrived he saw that Emily just escaped the claws and teeth of the huge dragons and was now falling to the ground about a three hundred foot drop. He heard her cry for help and saw nobody going to her aid so at the last second he caught her.
He brought her to the unicorn kingdom, the unicorns were in panic as they heard that the dragons were loose. He put Emily in the healers and quickly left.
Upon his return to his castle he saw that it was shaking. He walked inside and saw Cody waiting anxiously for him.

"What is wrong?" Jake asked Cody.

"Alyssa can feel that the unicorns need hee and she has gotten extremely powerful." Cody told him.

Jake ran down to where she was staying and looked down upon her. Her body glowed and shown glorious and her body was hovering in the air. Her eyes were closed and a wind sorrounded her like a shield. The light that hit the walls caused the castle to shake. James, Cody, and Jake stood together in awe at the bright sight that healed them completely and stretched out the opening and the windows to all unicorns and they were healed.

"It is time." Jake says and beckons Alyssa out of the prison.

Alyssa smiled her eyes still closed. "You were preparing me this whole time, training me in a more rough way to teach me what could happen and what not to do, I understand...thank you."

Alyssa opened her eyes they were a pure white glowing through the darkness. Her eyes portrayed her strength as her energy continued to increase.

Once her body calmed the four headed on their way to the unicorn kingdom.

Augustus saw that the unicorns were panicked and was angry with there lack of courage. He left and went into the calming near by woods. He saw the beautiful white castle shake slightly. He squinted and saw four figures coming towards him from the castle. They were all in unicorn for and one had a bright aura around them. As they neared he saw that Alyssa was the one with the aura and the other three must be the people who rescued her! He ran towards her not even thinking. He tackled her to the ground hugging her tight. Augustus stared at her for awhile then kissed her. He couldn't help it he just had to. Alyssa's eyes widened in surprise then she closed them kissing him back.
Jake cleared his throat, jealousy was rising in him. He didn't know why he didn't like Alyssa, but life is full of secrets. Alyssa pulled away and introduced Augustus to everybody.

"Why did you say his name is Jake when his name is Deathbringer?" Asked Augustus in confusion.

"Jake is his real name he was named because the evil king thought he killed his own mother."

Augustus nodded I'm understanding.

"let's get this war started!" Says Cody as he begins to march.

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