The portal of memories

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They all stood before the portal and Augustus still grieving decided to go first. He entered a forest lush green with a gentle stream running through.  A quiet waterfall made the air misty and the water bubbled with white foam. He looked around and began walking down a lit path. The sun shone like gold. Butterflies flew by slowly some landing on him as he went by. The birds sang and it all seemed so magical. The path led to an opening and upon a stone protruding from the earth was a person. His heart raced as he mived forward.

The others on the opposite side of the portal true to go in as well only to be shocked to find that it wouldn't allow them to. Letters circled the portal and upon inspection they realizedonly one was allowed. Emily sighed at this and turned to tbe others waiting anxiously.

"Well only one was allowed... so Augustus is on his own." Deathbringer announced sadly. Everyone looked depressed and sat around the portal awaiting Augustus' return.

Augustus moved closer to the person their hair was long and white and they wore what he assumed was a dress.  The top was gold around her bosom then went white ending at her mid thighs showing off the feminine shape well. There was a horn up in her head glittering lightly. She turned to face him. Her eyes sparkled green her face was familiar to him but he couldn't quite remember. She drifted down to him.

Mesmerized he stood frozen. She walked up and moved her hand across his cheek. "You've been crying for me..." her voice echoed in a soft way inside of his head as he realized it was Alyssa.

"You-you are alive?" He asked shocked.

"Alive in your hearts and minds but never to be able to actually be with you... I love you more than anything Augustus and I was hoping you would be the one to enter. That smile lights up the world and I hope you smile often even when you leave."

"I can't leave you again... I love you too. " Augustus swallowed hard as his eyes watered.

Alyssa grabbed his hands and led him to a small abode. It was made of stones. There was a bed to the left side a small chair and on the other was a kitchen. Alyssa sat on the bed and sighed.

Augustus sat next to her and looked at her. Her expression appeared to be one of thought. She felt his eyes and looked at him. He gently grabbed her head and kissed her lips. Her lips were so soft. They continued kissing deeply. Alyssa and Augustus became undressed a few moment later. He kissed her chest and down tasting every part of her savoring it as she moaned quietly with pleasure. He slowly slid into her and moved in and out in slow then fast. Alyssa moaned and felt her self become wetter as time progressed. Augustus shoved into her hard causing her to cry out in pain but pleasure as well.

He finished inside her and layer upon her chest listening to her heart beat. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. Alyssa slowly got up and tucked him in bed. She staggers outside and went back to the rock. She took out her sword and cut her wrist wincing from the pain she watched as her blood oozed out. She held her arms up and began to chant.

My blood is spilt now let my love live on.
Let a protector be born this day. Speed up the process.
Let it be known this child is Ankara voice of the broken, and healer of TIME!

Alyssa felt the pain explode from within her she dropped to her knees. A light came down upon her and a baby's cry was heard. She rose with the baby Ankara and smiled. She returned to Augustus now awake and presented him with the baby.

"Be her father teach her well. I trust you and love you. It is my last gift to you... now I must go. Goodbye my love." She kissed Augustus and the baby and faded into a sparkling array of lights.

Augustus looked at the baby in his arms. Her eyes were a blue green mixed they sparkled with curiosity and love. Her hand grasped his fingers as he exited the portal.

The others greeted him with enthusiasm. They each held the baby Ankara and cried as they realized it was the closest thing they had to Alyssa.

"What a wonderful ending..." Jake exclaimed.

"No.. what a wonderful beginning." Augustus said.

So this concludes this book I hope you enjoyed it. I don't plan on a sequel soo YAY.

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