chapter 4

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   Alyssa couldn't believe it, but she was a unicorn.  She was midnight black with bright green streaks through her mane, tail and wings. Her eyes and horn were also a bright green and seemed to glow.

   "Wow this is so wierd but so cool too." Alyssa exclaimed.

   " You will get used to the transformation, you can just ask it to change or you can do the foot work."

Jessa explained.

   "Awesome so are there other unicorns?"  Alyssa asked.

   " Of course, but we must go to them in Unipra." Jessa answered starting to fly upwards.

   "Ok, how long will it take?" Alyssa questioned while flying up.

   " Oh, an hour or so, now come on." Jessa said flying off.

  Alyssa followed enjoying the cool air blowing through her mane. After awhile Jessa put her head down positioned her horn and charged. Jessa disappeared. Alyssa did the same as Jessa and felt a small shock, then was blinded with bright lights. When it was over she was standing in the most beautiful place she ever saw.

   Unipra was lush and green, all types of trees and flowers grew. The water sparkled with a clean and florecent surface. The unicorns came out of the sorroundings wondering who Alyssa was.

   " Wow finally she has come." said an older looking unicorn who was red with white mane and tail, he gad no wings. His eyes and horn were pure white. He had a small beard.

  "Come child we must enlighten you on some things." The old one beckoned.

   "I am king Whiten." The king said bowing.

  "I thought I was supposed to bow to you, sire." Alyssa asked bewildered.

   " You don't have to bow because you are our savior, now come we must talk." The king answered ushering her to a small stone building.

  Inside was bare, only a small table and seven chairs in the middle of the room, the window was small and on the right wall. The king transformed into a human. He looked to be in his mid 50s. He had white hair with red tips and the same small beard. He sat at the head of the table. Alyssa transformed as well. She sat down and soon the five counsel members came and sat as well.

   " Let me tell you a story it's the easiest way to explain it to you." The king said.

  A long time ago we lived peacefully in Unipra. My wife bore a son. As soon as we could we put him in training. He was the smartest and strongest. When he became older he wanted to become king. He said I was weak and old. I rejected him. He waged war on my kingdom and all unicorns who wouldn't side with him. He took several unicorns to make them his servants. We clashed in war I was able to defeat my son but could not kill him. He was locked up in a special dungeon, but recently he escaped. I can not defeat him. The chosen one would have to come and defeat or kill him for me. I didn't know who it could have been. My wife decided to go find the answer in mythia. She sent a letter which held a riddle to who and where the choden one was. My wife never returned though. The riddle or poem went like this:

                     human she is

                     a secret she hides

                    from the earth she will rise

                    to defeat for you

                    The evil brood

                    which came from you.

   " So we finally found you." The king concluded.

  " How did you know it was me though?" Alyssa asked.

  " We have had spies in your world and you were the only one who wad born by humans but still is a unicorn." One of the counselors explained.

   " But I don't even know how to fight." Alyssa protested.

   " Yes you do." Said a big gruff guy with dark eyes and hair.

   Alyssa was confused, what are they talking about? Alyssa was the savior she knew that, she needed to know her mission, and how to defeat the kings son.

   " Your friend will help you through your mission, no worries." Said the king.

   Alyssa was now truely confused, friend, what friend?

   Soon a beautiful purple unicorn with rainbow hair and eyes flew in. She transformed and standing in front of Alyssa was..Emily. Alyssa was paralyzed in shock, she couldn't move or speak. Emily smiled and sat next to her.

   "Alyssa, I wanted to tell you but I couldn't." Emily explained.

  "Have you had any dreams lately?" The king asked snapping Alyssa back to reality.

  She told her about her dreams.

   " My son deathbringer, must be getting stronger." The king said shaking his head in dispair.

   " Wait those things are going to happen?" Alyssa asked.

   " Yes most likely it was a vision."  answered the king.

   Alyssa felt tired, sad, angry, and happy all at once. Many thoughts began zooming through her head combining with the people talking, soon the room began to spin. She fainted.

   They carried her to a room and put her on a nice bed.

   " Must have been to much for her at one time." The king said to Emily.

   "Yes she needs time, she is strong yes, but this confusing topic sent her emotions and thoughts in a whirl. Emily explained.


   Deathbringer was building up his power. Each day he was getting stronger. He would get the kingdom. A messanger came to him bowed and waited. The messanger was a small guy with blue hair and eyes but he was very fast.

  " Report!" Deathbringer commanded.

   "Sire, they have a new unicorn there, her name is Alyssa, and they bow to her, I don't know why though. He reported.

   Before Deathbringer could comment another messanger burst in bowed quickly and started reporting.

   "Sire the new unicorn, they call her savior and is the one who is supposed to defeat you."

  Deathbringer dismissed them and paced around his room thinking. Is this girl a threat? I know I will torment her until she gives in, and if she lives through that I will kill her myself.

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