Chapter 21 Battle of Hearts and Minds

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AN: so Ihave added some pictures chapter 4 is picture of Emily in unicorn form.

Chapter 2 is a pic of Deathbringer/the unicorn that haunted Alyssa.

Chapter 18 is a pic of Cody unicorn form

Chapter 17 is a picture of James unicorn form

Chapter 20 is a picture of Alyssa

A young man of about twenty was standing in the doorway. His muscular body made him look like a born leader and a man of authority. His eyes pure white sparkled with power. In his right hand he carried a black wooden staff with a red gem. She guessed it was a ruby on top. The gem seemed to pull at her heart and she had a sudden urge to reach out and touch it.

"Hello there." The man greeted.

"Hello." Alyssa says, her eyes watching him with caution.

The man moved swiftly moving towards her swinging his staff. Alyssa had a feeling she wasn't supposed to let the staff touch her so she dodged just in time.

"By the way my name is..." He began to say but was caught off by Alyssa's attack.

Her power surged around her in a bright light and clashed with the red ruby that was embedded in the staff. Sparks flew and the building shook, cracks appeared under them and they were lifted into the air. Alyssa's friends came out of hiding gasping wondering what to do as their friend was lifted into the dark sky.

Above them the sky was pitch black the only light they saw came from the two powers fighting for the upper hand. The moon appeared and made it easier to see but as they began to fight hand to hand combat the moon begins to turn a dark red.

Alyssa could feel something prying at her brain, someone was trying to break her defense and activate her memories. Alyssa lifted her hands to her head flowing her power to her defense as she falls to her knees. She screams in pain as the person, this person, the one with the ruby, pushes even harder like a knife cutting slowly through her.

Emily tried to fly up to help but was held in place by the ruby's magic. Emily could only see the man and Alyssa both on their knees, Alyssa had her head in her hands and the guy had the ruby against her head pushing power trying to break her defensive.

In Alyssa's mind she heard a knock and the guys voice saying: "let me in. let me in." over and over in a small whisper, a dangerous one.

Alyssa as she fought began to have memories, her mother cleaning the house and cooking cookies. Alyssa creeping in trying to go by unnoticed because she was home late due to a boyfriend, or should she say ex. Her mom had saw her but just smiled and said: "Its ok." That made Alyssa smile though the tears were flowing from her first heartbreak.

Somehow this memory gave her strength and her power exceled greatly reaching a more powerful level. Her light grew brighter as it began to push the red power out of her mind and away from her defenses. with and explosion everything ended. Alyssa lay on the ground unconscious her head bleeding slightly, the guy lay nearby the ruby glowing faintly. Time stood still. Alyssa switched forms to her unicorn form but she looked different she was a dark grey, her mane and tail a dark purple. the guy turned into his dragon form. Both of them began to stir. Their lights growing bright and their strength returning. The guy glared at Alyssa and said threateningly "I will be back soon my dear."

Alyssa just glared back silent.

The guy took off but not without a final strike sending Alyssa falling to the ground back to the ruins. Alyssa tried to fly but to no avail. She closed her eyes as she saw the ground become closer.

So this is short sorry, I type by my phone and cant tell how many words it actually is. I hope you like this chapter and the pictures :) Love you guys <3

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