Chapter 15: prophesy, planning, and Surprise

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Augustus stood waiting before the king for an answer. The king all of a sudden grew nervous. Sweat beads moved down his face. He swallowed hard and held out a shaky hand.

"come." He says and Augustus grabbed his hand.

They began to walk down a corrider which leads to the back of the castle and outside. They entered the outside the brisk wind rustling the leaves. The king took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"The prophesy is very complex.."The king states.

" Please go on i know you understand some of it."

"well from what we can appears that Alyssa is betrothed to Deathbringer." The king says.

"How can that be?" Augustus asks his eyes starting to water as his heart began to crack.

"Well it says...

The Savior will unite with the evil one to vanquish the greater evil..."

"What is this greater force?"  Augustus says.

The king suddenly grew more nervous his whole body shook...and his voice wavered. " We dont know."

After that Augustus had to leave before he would break. He went outside and into the royal gardens. A tear slid down his cheek as he fell to his knees. How could this be...just because she unites with deathbringer that doesnt mean they are betrothed does it?

He heard talking inside by a window three feet away.

" We cant let this prophesy go through..." the king says.

"I agree it would ruin our plans..." Said a man with a deep but soft voice.

Augustus was now alert. What plan could they have and if the propbesy will end the greatet evil then why try to stop it. Augustus knew something was not right.

They had left and now he could hear someone else a girl.

" We have to recue her, she is my best friend and even if she is somewhat crazy she is like my sister and i will not let her be tortured." The voice was Emily.

She had a piece of paper and began writing. " We first need to figure out where his castle is...then where the dungeon is where she is being kept."

Augustus pondered on what he was hearing and came to the conclusion that Emily had felt what Alyssa was feeling.

The king and that guy he had no idea what they were planning.

He decided he needed to give himself a break from eavesdropping and went to the library. He pulled out a book and began to read.

  The cold night hit me hard as i ran they screamed my name...haunting me as it whirled around me "Jake" thousands of times it was called. Lightening flashed around me as i ran. My father the king blamed me for the death of my mother and renamed me deathbringer...

Augustus stopped and stared


He read on..

I believe the real reason he wants me back now is because i know his secret i know he is not a unicorn...he is a...

"What are you doing?" A voice asked.

Augustus turned. " i was just looking for a good book thats all."

" oh ok but i will be watching you."

then it disappeared.

Augustus sighed heavily and turning around he tucked the book in his shirt and left.

Wow alot of secrets are told but i do have some more...:) hope you enjoy

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