Chapter 18: Dragons Let Loose

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Emily and her unicorns had flown to the dragon mountain. The mountain was dark and looming an opening was made and it was like a dragon mouth, sharp and pointy rocks hanging around the entrance. A thick fog came out of the opening like a dragon breathing fire.

"Alyssa?" Emily called her voice shaking slightly fear gripping her heart.

The legend of dragon mountain is told by the unicorns. After a great war between unicorns and dragons, the unicorns were able to seal away the dragons in what is now called dragon mountain. Unicorns who went to see if the legend was true never came back...well one did and he became king and still is. Many unicorns respect him for this reason.

Emily changed to her human form and cautiously and quietly began to walk in dragon mountain.

At the same time Augustus had walked imto the ancient castle and gasped when he saw the real prophesy written on the walls in a blood red:

"Soliders awake the dragon tomb, unicorns fight just like before, a king is lost and a savior comes, to save them all..."

"As the fight goes through the savior will unite. Then MAY die if things dont go right."

Augustus stood there in shock he didnt understand this at all. He walked farther in the ancient building and another sightbhe saw but this one made him cry.

Emily walked in farther and some of the unicorns produced some fire torches so they could see a little bit.

The cave was pitch black stone walls were stained red and scratch marks from huge claws are visible. Bones were scattered across the cave floor.

They pressed on and an unicorn went ahead as a scout. A few minutes later they hear a yell foot prints and then a strangled help.

Emily ran towards the sounds and she saw was a torch he was carrying. The ground began to shake, rocks and pebbles bounced, Emily slowly turned around.

Behind them was a giant red dragon its shiny scales reflecting off of the torches they carried. It had jagged horns on its head and spikes on its tail. It was a common fire dragon, still very dangerous though.

Emily summoned some of her water power and blasted the dragon so her warriors could escape. Some tried to stay but she told them to go.

The dragon roared with anger and blew a great fire ball at Emily. Emily dodged and a roar from behind her told her that it hit a different dragon. Emily then ran for the exit.

Emily was struck with some lightening and she stumbled. Lightening was her weakness so she tried to put up a shield. Her shield was broken but she maaged to get to the edge of the clift. She summoned her unicorn form but it failed her. So with no other choice she jumped.


Alyssa was talking to james he was telling her his life story.

" well I was living in a small poor time whenever the king became king and my mother was sick my father had died trying to find a cure at dragon mountain. Jake or Deathbringer helped me out he found the antidote to save my mother. She still lives but I moved out to be with Jake because it was not fair for him to be banished, he did nothing wrong. So i came here to help him and he put me here to punish the prisoners who are loyal to his father or who is evil like him."

Now Cody had been watching and listening he didnt want to hurt Alyssa but he had too. James was his friend but he was very best friends with Jake.

He formed two fire whips and started to walk towards Alyssa. She noticed him and turned. Of course all she could see was two fire whips and a pair of orange eyes. Alyssa instinctively took a step back. James reached out with his vines to stop cody but the vines just burned away.

"Hello." The guy said snapping his whips making her jump.

"Hi." Alyssa said back.

The whips came towards her in a sudden movement ahe dodges one only to be hit by the other. She shot some water at him which dimmed him slightly but after he recovered he was even brighter than before.

He charged whirling his whips. One struck her across the face the other one hit her side. No matter how hard she tried to avoid them she was hit with a powerful burning hit.

Cody merged the two whips together forming one. He wrapped it around her and shot fire through. Alyssa's whole body shook and she began to cry as the burning continued. Her water power was rendered useless against the hot tongues of fire that penetrated her body.

Just when she was thinking of giving up the flames disappeared. She didnt fall though and walked into the little light there was and looked up raising her hands she cryed for strength.

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