chapter 8

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  AN: this chapter is dedicated to MedivalWriter she is soo AWESOME!!:-)

The nurses rushed to Alyssa, hearing her awake. They reached her she wad sitting up her eyes had a far away look. She looked terrible her hair looked like she had been electricuted plus she had scratches and scars everywhere.

   They walked over to her and started redressing her wounds. Right when they finished the king burst in. He had worry lines on his face and he rushed forward and started scolding her.

   " How could you go charging in like dont even know hiw to fight!! To make things worse your wounded!?" He asked..scolded.

   " I had to," was Alyssa's answer.

   " No, you did not, do not ever do that hear..I was worried sick. The king scolded fatherly.

   " I make no promises," Alyssa replied with a sly smile.

   The three masters walked in then each one was smiling at Alyssa.

    " We thought your magic was incredible." The fire master stated.

   " Yes and we want to train you with magic of course you have to learn to fight without magic as well the general will teach you that." he added.

   Alyssa couldnt get a good look at them with her blurry eyesight. So she just nodded in acceptance.

   " It will be difficult and painful but you must learn." The water master stated.

  We have a healer his name is Skeel he will heal you to your full health." The fire master announced presenting a thirty or so year old man with a thin body soft eyes and a kind smile. his hair was a light brown and grew just passed his ears.

   He walked forward holding out his hand to Alyssa. Alyssa hesitated unsure if he really was a friend then grabbed it. He pulled her up and they began walking to build her strength up.

   " I have a question." Alyssa stated quietly so only Skeel could hear.

   " What is it?" He asked.

   " Can you stop nightmares?" She asked.

   " Some yes but it is really hard to get rid of them completely." Skeel answered.

    " oh ok." Alyssa stated trying to hide her disappointment.

    " Why do you ask?" Skeel inquired noting her disappointment.

    " Its just i have been having these nightmares lately .. a black unicorn with bright red eyes which look like death themselves then pain when i try to fight him." Alyssa explained.

   " I see Deathbringer is trying to scare you i see it is working well, I do have something that will help for awhile." Skeel said taking out a sqishy black fruit shaped like a distorted unicorn hornnwith clear goo dripping down it. Alyssa grimaced as Skeel handed it to her.

   " Eat it," Skeel ordered.

   Alyssa hesitantly brought it to her mouth and took a bite it burst into  flavor which made her want to puke it tasted like rotten mangoes mixed with a vile cough syrup. Alyssa face contorted into a look of disgust. Skeel was laughing while telling her she had to eat it all. She reluctantly kept eating and on her third bite it was so spicy it probaly was worse than all the worlds hot peppers together, Alyssa really wanted a drink not this hot sauce juice or whatever you call it. She forced herself to eat another bite. It changed once again ti a freezing cold at first she enjoyed the coolness but it got colder and she felt she was eating ice from anartica or something. Her sweat had turned cold and her throat was frozen as she took her last bite. It changed into a sweet taste, the taste of chocolate oh how she missed it...she treasured the taste as long as she could.

   " I never want to eat one of those THINGS again." Alyssa stated imphasizing "thing."

   " Those THINGS are called horn fruit and being as you ate it all it will help with your nightmare problems for awhile," Skeel stated chuckling.

   Alyssa saw Skeel everyday for a week then it was time to train with the. masters. Alyssa hoped she would not make a fool of herself. She walked to the forest, she started to walk through it. Many plants she has never seen before. There were the horn fruits, magic orb fruit used to heal, Rainbow butterfly snappers they are rainbow colored and eat butterflies, Then there was the unucorn tree it was a tree shaped as a unicorn they are very rare and come in many colors.

   After awhile she and Skeel reached the sacred clearing it was sorrounded by five unicorn trees all of then where a dark purple except for one it was a bright purple the clearing had all kinds of animals lurking about Alyssa saw some birds eat the horn fruit.They stopped and waited after about an hour Alyssa dosed off she tryed to stay awake but was pulled into sleep by an unexpected force.

   She saw a vicious war it was going on for days and the soliders where becoming weak and tired. A blood red cloak came towards her a huge force made her fly towards it and he said:

  " come with me."

   She awoke struggling to get rid of the images in her head. The masters appeared and the water legend stepped forward his blue cloak hiding everything except his piercing blue eyes.

   " You are seeing visions and I see they are very unpleasant so we will see if we can help with that." He said in his smooth voice.

   " We will start training with your powers as human first than once you mastered that we will go to being unicorns." He added.

   " Every time you mess up you will be punished with the power you are trying to do." The air master stated his white cloak swaying gently in the wind and you could see his clear eyes and small smirk as he added in his airy kind of voice...

   " of course we are more powerful and when punishment time we will not take it easy on you."

   " oh great now i get beat up and almost killed by my masters." Alyssa mumbled under her breath.

   " So when do we start?" Alyssa asked.

    " Now!!" all the masters chorused together.

   yup i am going to die...


   Deathbringer had sent her the drean of the last war but somehow it was changed into a more vicious war scaring even him. He decided to think about it later.  he had to visit a cirtain friend of his who will turn him human permantly but keeping all his powers so he can kill the savior without killing himself also.


  AN: I am so happy with you guys I almost have 100 reads!! You also vote aswell!! love you guys please keep reading and voting.

- Warrior

p.s. i am so sorry about all the mistakes if i say " Sara"  i mean Alyssa...i am editing though hopefully i catch most of my mistakes:-)

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