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I know I keep making Bnha Fanfics {some are in my drafts btw}, but I came up with this when I was brushing my teeth at midnight. And it was pretty good! So here you go!

Name: Minu L/n
M/n: Mothers Name
F/n: Fathers Name

Mother: {Deceased}
Father: {Deceased}

Quirk: Elemental Spirits, You can see elemental spirits of all kind. And you can see dead spirits of all kind. You can call upon each one, and ask to borrow their power. Or ask them for help with their power. You can come into contact with the dead, or the spirits! {meaning: you can touch them and such} You can even shape-shift! Or you can just talk to them! {You do have a hard time differing the dead from the alive}

Drawbacks: You get fatigued, and pass out. Headaches, and the moving of your body will hurt.

What Helps Your Quirk: Sweets! Meats! And Drinks!

Quirk: 10/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Skill: 5/5
Combat: 7/5
Cooperation: 4/5
Defense: 8/5
Offense: 8/5
Strength: 2/5

Total: 51/45

Sex: Female
Age: 6
H/C: Light Brown
H/L: Your hair reaches the middle of your back
S/T: Skin Tone
B/: The body of a six year old
E/C: Light Green
H/: The height of a six year old girl

What People See When They Look At You: You are an adorable little girl. So their heart just automatically flutters!

Personality: You are a bubbly little girl. You say things that would make others surprised. {How does a 6 year old know this?} And you say things that are on your mind!

Likes: Sweets! Meats! And Drinks!

Dislikes: Vegetables! Waiting!

{This is what your family looks like!}

{This is what your family looks like!}Dad:

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{So here are a few pointers to the story!}Underline: means whispering
Slanted: means thoughts
" Slanted in Quotation Marks: Mean either the spirits are talking"
"And slanted in quotation marks with an underline: Mean the dead is talking"

Alright that's it! And this is going to be a fluffy fanfic! So, if you don't like fluffy stuff, then... Well, see you in the next chapters!

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