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Link: https://pin.it/1nl5cNb

"You want me to be... your daughter?" Minu Questioned.
~{five hours earlier}~
It was the closing of the Station, and Aizawa asked Minu to stay for a moment. At first she was confused, but hey! Aizawa asked her for something for the 'first' time ever! She went to the waiting room, and sat, waiting for Ai-Kun. After a couple of minutes, Aizawa walked in and he sat beside her. He placed his hands on his knees and spoke.

"You see, ... um. I-I always wanted, a daughter. And, you, Uh.. Don't have parents, so I thought I could be..." He scratched his temple, and cringed from his next words. "What I want is to be your Father - Adopted Father." Seeing as he didn't hear any words, he held his head low. Minu, on the other hand was really, really surprised.

Her whole faced described she was shocked. Not mad, or happy - shocked. After thinking for a while, she spoke, confusedly. "You want me to be... your daughter?"
{Back to the present}

Aizawa bolted his head up and looked at Minu. He looked at her facial expressions and it didn't seem mad, or happy. She was thinking about it! Aizawa was known for his cold nature, but right now - right now, it seemed like a mere rumor. "Y-yes! And I'll be your D-dad!" He exclaimed, the slightest of slight blush pathing way on his face.

Now, don't get me wrong. Minu was happy, in fact she was exhilarated. But, why? 'Why does he want me to be his daughter? It's not bad! But- but why?' This same question clouded her brain, over and over. She hadn't even noticed she spaced out. Only to be awoken by Ai-kun, or you could say, Daddy?

Aizawa placed his hand on her forehead to check if she was coming down with something. He pulled it away and said, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" You could see the worry in his eyes, or at least Minu could. "Why?" She spoke. Aizawa taken aback, questioned. "What do you mean?" Minu looked up at him with pure confusion in her eyes. It swirled around like a deep sea.

"Why do you want me to be your daughter? We've never even talked that much! I thought you hated me! So why-..?" Minu was cut off by his sudden chuckle. This same chuckle grew and grew. 'So she was confused!' He thought. He picked her up and placed her in front of him; Her legs dangling in the process. He looked her in the eyes and spoke.

"You remind me of when I was little. I never really had anyone, and if I did-... Its just without realizing or associating with you, your light somehow made my worries go away. Somehow you became someone I wanted to protect, no, needed to protect. Seeing how you made me not feel alone, I don't want you to feel that way either. So that's why- Will you be my Daughter?"

Minu's eyes widened in surprise. It wasn't about how he talked to her, no. It was about the words he spoke. Out of them all she definitely felt the most comfortable with Aizawa. She didn't know why? The only thing she could think of was 'Yes!'. Granted, this did sound like a proposal. Suddenly she realized something. What about everyone else?! She looked around at her parents, and Winny. Winny nodded excitedly, while her parents...

"Its not like we haven't thought about how you were living alone. Well, without the living. He seems kind of shady, but he is a Hero. I'll except it for now, but IF he somehow does something nasty, or shady. YOU ARE TO GET OUT OF THERE IMMEDIATELY!" Her mother yelled. You could hear her breathing pace quickening.

Minu simply chuckled and whispered, "Yes, Mom." She looked to her dad who was quiet, which wasn't like him at all. His arms were crossed, and he had a pouting face. "What she said." After his words he turned around, wiping a fake tear. "My Baby is gonna have another Dad! Wahhh!" He cried, Minu simply ignored it and looked back to an awaiting Aizawa.

She said, "Yes! I'll be your daughter, Dad!" She smiled brightly and jumped into his arms. He smiled and patted her head, giving in to her hug.

{After A Couple Minutes Of Celebrating}

Aizawa drove to her house to pick up a few things. It's been decided that she'll stay over at his house. She just needed to get some of her needed necessities. "Right, here." Minu, said pointing to a house on the street. Aizawa nodded and pulled into the driveway. They both got out of the car after Aizawa parked in the driveway, and walked to the front door. Winny popped out from behind her head, and handed her a key much to big for her. Winny was struggling to even fly with how big it was.

Minu laughed and thanked her for storing and giving her the key. She unlocked the locked door and walked inside. All the spirits, and the dead came flowing in their direction. "Where have you been?", "Are you alright?", "Welcome back!" There they were. The ones who kept her lively over the years. And just to think she would be leaving them here. While the spirits, and the dead can move locations. They tend to stay in places they are more fond of. So even if she is the one, they probably won't come with her.

'I don't want to leave them! Not ever!' But deep down she wanted to stay with Aizawa. She couldn't possibly choose between the two? Could she? She lowered her head, and spoke to them. "If I were to leave this house. Would you come with me?" The spirits and dead looked at each other, then spoke. "I suppose not. We all really like it here! But if you did leave... you could always call us!" The spirit spoke while the others nodded in aggrement.

"Oh. I guess I could always call." Minu stated simply. "Yup! That's what being the one gets you!" She nodded and then went and grabbed her belongings. Winny and her parents both looked at each other than back to her. They knew she was grieving, and any other words probably would of broke her. She grabbed the rest of the things she knew she would've needed, and left. Of course she said goodbye. But it was too hard to say more. She forced a smile to make them all happy.

They laughed and told her come back next time. She and Aizawa got in the car, and drove away. No matter how hard she tried the tears in her eyes wouldn't go away. They wouldn't stay down anymore. While she sat in the back seat, tears fell from her usually happy eyelids. Aizawa completely unaware, finally heard her croaks of sadness. At the next red light he turned and saw tears falling from her face. They were like an endless River.

He was supposed to protect her and make sure that she wouldn't feel alone. And look é here. She's already feeling alone. He turned around when the green light lit up the dark night street, and pressed on the gas. She was gently drifting to sleep. When her cries finally stopped it was a sign she was no longer awake. "I know it's hard. But, I promise you won't ever feel like this again." And he drove into the night.
A new beginning is starting.

Hey, guys! I am so sorry for the late update. It's been a few weeks and I haven't posted and I'm really sorry for that. I have been in school, and had work. But our school has tests every week. So it's been a bit hard. I haven't really been feeling this story anymore. It feels like everything's out of place. And all the other stories in my drafts make much more sense. But I promise I'm going to finish this story!
I have a discord server if you guys would like to just talk, and if you would like I'd be more than willing to post some of my drafted stories !
Discord Server- AriNy2008 Wattpad Server
See you in the next chapter!

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