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{2nd POV}
Even if it what you said did sound persistent. You had to get money somehow, and you being a 5 year old. This was the best way. Through a serious conversation you got about 2.5 million dollars. This may seem like a lot. 'How does this old man have this much?' Well, half of it was from the truck company. And the other half is his money, and all his belongings sold for money, like you suggested.

You took your money, said your goodbyes and left. Baffled about what to do next. You stood outside the building and looked around. And... boom! That candy store you and your parents were going to, was right in front of the building. So you took your new black card, and walked to the other side of the road. "Ooh, where are we going?" Winny asked flying in front of your face. "Hehe, The Candy Store!" You exclaimed, happily. "This was the one we were going to take you! I guess we still are, haha!" Your parents laughed, flying behind you.

You went into the store, opening the door. It was about to close and the cashiers looked.. tired. They looked around the store and couldn't find the customer. Well, when you opened the door, they could only here the ring of the doorbell. Little did they know that you were just that small. They saw you awe'ing over some cake. A teenage man, who looked to be 18 came up to you and said. "Excuse me, miss. The store is about to close, I would like to ask you to leave." He said with no emotion.

All the other cashiers in the back silently bashing him for telling that to a child. And, a cute child nonetheless. You looked up to him, and said. "Can I please just get this cake? I promise I'll leave right after! Pinky Promise!" You held your pinky up to him with pleading eyes. He clashed his pinky with yours then said. "Leave straight after then." He grabbed a utensil and picked out the cake you picked.

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You were practically drooling, but something else caught your attention. You looked to the drink station and saw a magnificent drink.

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"Oh, and can I please have that drink too!" You pleaded. He walked over and poured it into a cup. Then placed your dishes on a nearby table. It had pink flowers, and he had a pink striped uniform with a sailor hat. The table had white tablecloth and beautiful sauces on the side. You thanked the man, and got ready to dig in when a sudden noise clashed around you. "Oh! How good this looks! I-I haven't had food in a couple of hours. You know, since I was following you!" You could tell Winny wanted some.

So you used one of the nearby forks and forked some of the cake. Giving it to her. "This does look mighty good! I wonder if I could eat some?" Your mother and father said nonchalantly. So you forked the cake again, and gave them some. To your surprise they could eat food, And they could talk to spirits. "Dear Winny! How does your food taste! Mine tastes delectable!" They said in a rather rich tone. To which Winny replied with. "Oh my! It certainly does! The finest I have ever tasted!" You ignored the flying dorks behind you and eyed your halved cake.

It was almost gone so you had to hurry before they asked for more. You took a bite and it was indeed, "Delectable!" After you finished your halved cake. You took a sip of the tea, and that too was "Delectable! Simply Delectable!" You finished your food and went to the cashier. Met with the same man who helped you. Still in an emotionless faze. He rung you up, surprised that a 5 year old had a black card. But, hey little kids these days have everything. You got some sweets togo, and said.

"Thank You! Kie-kun! {pronounced k-I, pronounciate the I, and the e is silent. Kinda like key.;} Your really nice!" You thanked him, but before he could respond you ran to the door. "I pinky promised to leave straight after! So I have to go now! Bye, Kie-kun!" You ran through the door waving, leaving him shocked. 'She-she's n-nice too.' He thought. Kie-kun kind of lost hope in life, but it kinda looks like that's changing.

You were outside the candy shop, now closed. And you saw a bunch of... stuff. It was like more ghosts maybe. And more spirits like Winny too. "W-what is this?" You questioned. Winny, your mom, and your dad looked at you. Then Winny responded with. "This is the spirit realm. Well the earth-spirit realm. It's just a bunch of ghosts and spirits wandering! No big deal!" Winny explained. "O-oh?" You stated. You could see tons of people, and cute little people! It wasn't scary, more-so strange. My quirk is amazing! You thought! You gawked at all the different things flying around when your mom said. "Isn't it your bed-time young lady! Come on now let's go home!" She grabbed your hand and floated you to a bus stop. You all bussed home. {lol, bussed!}

You got off the bus, all tired. When you opened the front door, you fell. But your ghostly parents caught you and tucked you in your bed. {Yep, they carried her to her room.} They kissed your head and said. "Goodnight baby." "Y-yea." Winny said, drowsily. Your parents laughed at the sight of her forcing herself to stay awake. They tucked Winny in too, and said the same thing again. "Goodnight baby."

{That was all a year ago. Now the real story will begin!"}

Hey, guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I usually try to make my chapters around 1,500! Anyway, I hope you guys liked it! And yeah I know the backstory isn't that great, but whatever! See, you guys in the next chapter! And please, comment or star your opinions. I'd really like to know!
{1,040; words;}

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