Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

Just over halfway through this book now (I think) and I wanted to thank everyone for reading. I've had a little hiatus recently as I've been re-reading Order of the Phoenix so I don't forget any of the good parts that I want to write about. 

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, or if it's just obvious through reading, but this series does not exactly follow the exact same timeline, and I've noticed this even more when re-reading OotP. I'm just going to say that this is because I'm taking 'creative liberty'. 

I've also been struggling to come up with a concise storyline, I have so many ideas which I want to weave into this series one way or another, and trying to fit them in without them seeming too stupid has been a bit of a challenge. I think I know where I am now though. 

Once again, thanks for reading, and I love reading all your comments! 

- Toby :-) 

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