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As you made your way to the mall, Bill followed right beside you, you watched as the leaves fell. Looking at the houses that already decorated for Halloween. All of the houses were pretty impressive, some having big fake spiders, while others had skeletons and blown-up ghosts. You smiled at the sight, Halloween was possibly one of your favorite holidays. It was the one day everyone kinda knew you. You always had impressive decorations, an impressive costume and you always got full-sized candy. Maybe being known as the "full-sized candy girl" was the best you'll ever get when it comes to this town.

You kept looking around eating your banana when you heard a weird demon scream. You turned to see that Bill was grabbed by one of the decorations. You looked at him confused, he said he could control whether he was solid or not, so why did he choose to be solid?

"Bookworm, come over here and help me!" He demanded. You didn't say anything and kept eating your banana. You watched as he struggled over the small decor.

"Can't you just phase right through it?" You asked after finishing your banana. You looked around and found a big trash can, it must have belonged to one of the houses but you figured they wouldn't mind if you slipped a banana peel in there.

"Ugh you're no fun," Bill said, phasing right through it floating back to you, "I'm offended you didn't even lift a finger to help." You rolled your eyes and continued on your walk. As he whined and complained about how you didn't help him. "Really what if I couldn't phase out? Would you just let me stay there?" he pouted, crossing his arms.

"Oh shut it," You said, rolling your eyes and stopping in your tracks, taking a look at the big building in front of you. On the building, there were big orange words spelling out 'Gravity Malls'. You smiled to yourself happy you finally made it, hoping this would shut up the demon for a while, "Where here."

He tilted to look up at the words, reading it out loud "Gravity Malls? Why is it malls? Are there more than one mall in here?" you sighed before you could even say anything he answered his own question, "OHHH ITS LIKE GRAVITY FALLS!" He said in realization, he started hysterically laughing, "god humans are so stupid it's funny". He grabbed your shoulder as if he was gonna pass out from laughing so much.

You let out a small giggle at the demon's realization and began to head in. He stood behind still laughing at the poorly made pun. As you neared the door, it opened on its own, you continued forward, expecting Bill to be only a few steps behind you. You were about to speak until you looked and saw the demon still laughing outside. You walked over to the side of the escalator and lent your back on it. Crossing your arms as you waited for him to finish. You thought about going out there and dragging him in. But you decided against it, he was having fun, and if the laughing made him stop asking random questions you didn't mind.

You had all day of course, you sighed as the thought of school rolled in your mind. 'No one's really gonna notice?' you thought, taking out your phone to check the time. You really didn't know why you had a phone. It's not like you had any friends to talk to or anything, the only contact you had was your dad and you've never called him once. You checked the time, '7:05' it read in big white letters, '5 more minutes till school starts. You let out another sigh sliding your phone back into your pocket.

You finally looked back up at Bill, he finally stopped laughing and went right through the doors. It took him a minute to find you but once he did he flew right up to you. "You left me, how mean" He pouted, you were beginning to think this was just a cruel babysitting job some god gave you.

"I waited though," you started with a cheeky smile. You quickly began walking once more, "Come on, let's start looking for clothes for you," He followed you, looking through all the windows of the stores. Most if not all of them had Halloween decorations on them, which made it hard to see... well everything. All but one, through the clear glass Bill, saw something that caught his eye. It was full of suits, but only one stood out to him. He stopped at that store, pressing his hands against the glass like a child looking in on a candy store.

Book 1 (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now