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It was a busy day when a girl who accepted into a school that she wanted to. Busy packing her stuff and she's leaving her place tomorrow.

She packed most of the important stuff and leave some in case anything happened she could turn back around and walk back to this apartment.

"How's your packing going?" The girl looked up and saw her housemate standing leaning against her doorframe with her arms crossed on her chest.

She laughed and said, "It's not like I packed too many things, Why? Are you trying to get rid of me that much?" Her roommate shrugged,


The girl scoffed before threw some of her clothes into her baggage. She had been staying for years with her housemate. Of course, she can't get rid of her that easily.

"Good for you then. Miss Shin Soo Jin successfully get rid of me and you can eat your ice cream every night without anyone stopping you."

Soojin laughed as she went and sat down in front of her, "aww come on, Y/N. You know I'm gonna miss you anyway."

"Yeah, right." Y/N folded her shirt before put inside her baggage. Soojin gave a sinister smile before pinched both of her cheeks, "call me every day, dumbass." Y/N yelped, "ah! That's fucking hurt-" she slapped her hands away and rubbed her sore cheeks. Soojin took care of her like a sister since she doesn't have one. She was a single child where her parents spoiled her a lot. She was like her best friend.

Of course, she can't live without her favorite dumb housemate. She knows too much.

Luckily, her parents live a bit far back at Paju. It took only an hour and a half-hour drive. She admired how her parents worked so hard under a small company but they got paid a lot. They afford to pay for her fees even if she applied to her new private school as she told them. But she didn't say which one neither they won't allow her.

"I know that, you dumb hoe." Y/N glared.

"What did you say?!" Time to run.


"Seriously Y/N, call me every day." Soojin gave an angry pout before she softened her face. "I'm gonna miss you." Y/N laughed, "I'm gonna miss you too!"

"Okay, Soojin, don't bring boys home. No party-"

Soojin grunted, "I know... I'll..." She waved her hand and shrugged, "I'll try." Y/N slapped her arm making her yelped. "No trying, just do it! I want my room as clean as the one I left..."

"Ouch! Fine! Okay!"

Y/N swung her arm around her shoulder as they walked through the lobby of their apartment. It was a nice and cozy one. She had been staying here for years and she was never fed up seeing it. Soojin and Y/N had been in the same school since they were freshmen until they graduated.

Now Soojin was in college and Y/N applied for the new school. BDSM category as a private school and most of them are in their legal age.

Either it will be illegal for the school just by existing.

They gave the last hug to each other before Y/N get into a taxi after the driver helped her with her baggage.

It was hard but Y/N knew that this gonna go fast and they will meet again anytime soon. The school was a bit quiet far and they already provided dorms for the students. So it will a bit hard to meet her even she had time.

It was a long ride until they arrived in front of the gate. She paid for the fees and the driver helped her took out her baggage since it was heavy. She thanked the driver and he drove away.

Y/N took a look around the school. It was bigger than her old school. The structure of the building screamed rich. The surrounding was beautiful and pretty decent.

She walked inside and looked around trying to find if any student can help lead her to the office. She trying to take out the document in her bag before a person ran right towards her and bumped her.

She fell right on her ass and she winced. The pain in her elbow piercing making her rubbed her sore elbow. She tried to take a look but she can't see how was her elbow. Maybe it just bruised.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" The person who bumped was a female, bowed.

Y/N sighed while slapped the dust from her pants as she got back on her feet.

"I'm sorry... A-Are you okay?" The girl approached her slowly before helped her picked some stuff that was already on the floor and gave it to her. She apologized again and said, "I'm really sorry."

"Um, yeah, It's okay. It was just an accident. " Y/N said as she waved her hand and laughed it awkwardly. She brushed some of the remaining dirt on her pant.

"Kim Ji Woo." The girl suddenly said. Y/N looked up at her, confused. "My name... Is Kim Ji Woo..." The girl nervously extended her hand out for a handshake. The sudden welcome warmth Y/N's heart so she took her gently and accept it.

"I'm Y/N."


👹such a boring chapter I know. I got too many silent readers here *flips hair*

But I like it more if yall leave some comments :') cause it makes me a bit motivate . Let's appreciate this art🤤.

 Let's appreciate this art🤤

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