Calm down Jamal

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A new day start. I wake up extra early so I can take time to prepare myself. I shower and put on my uniform. I watch Chuu putting on some makeup so I decided to ask her about it since I'm a curious cat, "Chuu, are we allow to put on makeup?" She nods, "Y/N, this is the 21st century and we are women. It's normal for women to wear makeup. We put on makeup for ourselves."

I shrug, "I'm just asking." Yeah just in case, I don't want to get scolded on the first day. So I put on some light natural makeup. You see I don't have the most beautiful skin, but I still take care of my skin even though I'm lazy as fuck. I curl my hair a bit and I'm done. I look over myself and check myself out.

I guess this will do.

I put on my knees white socks and my shoes. Lolita is cute, so get over it. I grab my bad and Chuu grabbed hers. "Ready?" I look at Chuu and smile. She giggles before drag me out. There are a lot of female students in the hallway. Some of them still bringing out towels to take shower but instead they hanging outside. Some went out to the next door to borrow something and stuff.

A few female students are already on their way to school. I suddenly feel conscious about myself. "Chuu, do I look weird?" She turns to me and frowns, "What are you talking about? You're gorgeous." She's making the chef kisses sign. "I might be gay if I question my sexual-"
I laugh, "Okay, okay... That's enough... I get it."

We walk to school as I observed around. There are so many trees and plants. Some groups of students looking at us like we are some kind of enemies.

What are you looking at, dumbasses? Never see ugly women before?!?

"Chuu, why are they staring at us like that? I want to poke their eyes out." She giggles, "Y/N, calm down. Most of us don't usually get new students. So it will be a lot of gossips today." I look at her frowning.

We arrive at the entrance. My anxiety boost as I stare at the huge amount of students walking to the entrance.

Shit, There's a lot.

"Y/N!" My anxiety jump high like a pyramid. Does someone know me?!

I look at the source of the voice and found Kim Seok Jin jog his way to me. I look around and notice the students are looking at me now.

This shit is embarrassing.

"Kim Seok Jin-SSI, good morning..." I give a small smile. I can't get rid of the memory from yesterday's incident. I have a feeling that this gonna be awkward as hell. He laughs, "What's with that formal? Just call me Jin."

"Ah, but still you're probably my senior, so it's kinda a bit rude, don't you think?" He smiles, "Then, You can call me, Jin Seonbaenim?" I nod in agreement. Yeah, this will do. I can't just call him Jin. That's technically a bit rude for someone older than you. Chuu bowed and said, "Good morning, Seonbaenim." He responds with a smile before turn back to me

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