annoying ass

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I sigh as I walk to the bookshelves to put back the book. My body is drained after trying to finish up our assignment.

I really don't want to face him so I need to finish the thing up faster. But thank god, we finished it just now and I never feel this relief in my whole life.

I'm still in the library after hours of doing the assignment together. He didn't stop with his lame pick-up line and I have to ignore him every time he did that.

I walk to our table to pick up the rest of the book since that Mighty Jamal ran away giving some excuse about his roommate needing him and stuff.

I'm about to walk with a few books in my arms but not until I bump into someone. I almost yelp when I was about to fall behind.

But then, an arm clasp around my waist prevented me.

"Are you always this clumsy?" I look up at the source of the voice and my eyes almost widen. It's Jeongguk.

In every student in this school, why him? It seems like the bad luck really likes me.

But I'm not gonna lie, he's a really good-looking guy. His sharp jawline, his piercings on the eyebrow, and the lip kind of suit him well.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." He smirks for the first time.

"Do you allow me to?" His smirk drops almost immediately by my response. I won. But not only the smirk, but he also drops me too.

My ass hurt like hell. I wince before huff. He's about to walk away but not until I grab his leg want him to stumble forward.

But he was fast enough to avoid my dirty trick. I cursed under my breath as I watch him walking away.

His ass annoyingly bouncing while walking. I grunt in frustration as he smirks at me.


I grumpily bang into my room making Chuu startled. "Y/N! That's scared me af-" I sigh and says, "I'm sorry. I'm about to go crazy right now." I rub my temple trying to ease the frustration that building inside me.

Gosh, I need a shower to calm myself down. Yeah, I need it.

I took a warm shower and have been in the shower for a few moments cause it helps me clear my head for a while. I head out from the shower and saw Chuu tossing around on her bed.

"What's wrong, Chuu?" She sat up and whimper at me. She pout, "Y/N... We are dead."

I frowned and asked, "what do you mean?" She almost looked like a sad puppy whimpering. I scratch my head in frustration, "Chuu, seriously what's wrong?"

"We gonna have a greeting party this Friday!" I stared at her almost lost in words. I open my mouth and then close it. I tilt my head before asking her, "So?" Chuu's expression turns changed, "What do you mean by 'so'?! We don't have dresses for it!"

I purse my lips hard and stare at her almost wanting to glare. She looks at me confused.


I look away and say, "Forget it."

"You know, Jin seonbaenim will be there too." Her expression looks like a Lenny emoji. I give her a disgusted expression, "what do you want me to do with him?" She sighs and says, "don't you see his eyes?!"

I frown, "no?"

She drops in disappointment, "Y/N, you really need to get an eye medical check-up. He gave the 'I'M INTO YOU' face, Y/N!"

"The hell, Chuu. He's our Senior." I shake my head in disapproval.

"So? Why not?!" She waves her hands aggressively. I just roll my eyes and say, "Still no. Now forget about that, wanna go shopping tomorrow? Wait, can we?"

"Hell yes!"


👁👄👁 I found this on Pinterest and I think my eyes deceiving me-

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👁👄👁 I found this on Pinterest and I think my eyes deceiving me-

Anyway, short chapter and slow update :')

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