David Cole

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I was born on June 30, 2001
I lived with my Mom and Dad and my 3 sisters plus a half-sister, 2 brothers and Dog. I think my Dog as a brother but he's old now I dont know how long he has.
I don't remember how old I was when my Mom left my Dad but she took all of us except for one of my brothers.
I didn't really think much of the divorce, I was like 4 so I didn't understand. We moved in with my Aunt and Uncle, we lived with them for about 7 years. It was very fun because so many big events happened while living there like meeting my first Best Friend, getting a Pony named Nappy, and an Albino Rat named Kaka.
We moved out after a house fire that started in the Attic because The A/C over heated and ignited the fiberglass and wooden planks.
The worst part was that my Mom kept our baby stuff in the attic and a few things got destroyed but it was fine.
Another bad thing about it was the A/C was right outside my bedroom "by room"
With lived with a few of my Moms friends and eventually found a house in 2012.
That year in March I was diagnosed with CDI (Central Diabeties Insipidus).
Meaning my body lacks to hormone that my Pituitary Gland needs to make me grow. So yeah I can't grow, I currently 5 ft. tall. I'm also taking shots so I can grow.
The CDI is also connects to the Brain Cancer, I had a tumor on my Pituitary Gland that practically are the gland.
I had to get surgery to get the tumor removed, by the way for the people that don't know where the Pituitary Gland is, it's on the bottom/base of the Brain.
The procedure was to have a long tube go up my nose and suck to tumor out. I did 2 rounds of Chemotherapy, I looked so weird when I went bald but I was proud, proud to be a Survivor.
After all of that me and my family moved back and forth between Oklahoma and North Carolina. I was my Mom's director because she needed help with getting where we needed to go. My family called my "Tour Guide Davie"
It was dumb but funny. My mom said that I was asleep and we were driving and I woke up and pointed at an Exit sign and said "that's our Exit!"
I had no idea how I knew but it got is where we needed to be.
Well now you know me and a summary of my past.
Hope you like it so far. I know that some girls out there are probably think it was a misleading title because so far there's no lovey dovey stuff but keep patient and you'll get what you want.

Hope you all enjoy

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