Plans for Summer

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In the summer of 2015 she's coming to visit me for a whole week, Saturday-Friday.
Saturday I'm gonna take her on a date and go out to dinner.
Sunday in the morning I'm gonna take her to my church for the morning service and then hang out with her all day until 6:00PM then we go to Bible Study until 7:00PM
Then we say Goodnight.
Monday-Friday - We'll be going to a Christian Summer Camp at the beach. Until the 19th of June, that will be our 7 month Anniversary. The first one we'll get to spend together.
It's sad that she can only spend a week here. I wish she could move here but she talked to her Grandparents about it and they said in 2 years.
That's a bummer but I'm willing to wait for the one I Love.
I'm even looking for houses here and then text Stacey the houses information, to see if they can afford it.
There are a few reasons why I want her to live here. 1 is that at her school it is 99.9% Bullies and she Is getting bullied pretty bad. 2 there are a few people where she lives and I rather not have her living there. 3 and the most important, she's the Love of my Life in I want to be with her every second of every day.
This is settled.
This is the girl that I want to spend my life with.
This is the girl who will make me the happiest guy in the world.
This is the girl that I'm going to marry.

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