I'm Sorry

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Oliver, I Love You So Very Much
You are the best thing that happened to me and I'm happy I met you
So very happy
We have so much in common and we share the same opinions about many topics
The day I asked you out I was so
Nervous and scared you'd say no
When you said "Hmm... 😶😶😶.... YES!!! 😊"
I was overwhelmed with happiness and I knew we'd go for a long time
We started talking about having a Corpse Bride Wedding
But now it will be (hopefully) a gay marriage
And I'm ok with that
We've been together for more that 6 months and I loved every minute of it
From the start I was scared something would happen to ruin it
You're the only boy for me and it's only you
Please don't forget that
I have friends that are boys and girls and you have friends that are boys and girls
I've only hung out with one of my friends that is a girl but her boyfriend was there
I also hangout with my guy friends every once in a while
I'm sorry that you think I like other girls more than you but listen to me when I say
Their not like you
I dont know anyone like you and no other person made me feel the way you make me feel
When I see you my heart goes wild and I can't help but to smile
When I see a girl I see them as a basic person and don't see them in that way
You're so special in a million different ways
There's something I never told you
My depression started when I finished Cancer treatments
Everyone saw me as a different person and I did to
I dont know what ways I changed be when I'm with you I feel... Normal again
Just the feeling of you leaving me kills my heart and i would just want to leave this life because I couldn't live it completely without my boyfriend/ husband in it
Right now I'm holding the dog you got me
It makes me feel like I'm holding you when I'm not able to
I hope I can this summer...
Skye I want to treat you right
I want to treat you better than anyone ever did or will
I want to prove my love to you and show you how much I love you
I dont know if you love me or not
I really hope this is just a rough patch in our relationship or just a test of how much we truly love each other
I'm terrified to lose you
Even now I'm being torn apart emotionally
I made a commitment to stand by you and support you through life and choices you make
I promised to be your guide
I helped you
I saved you
That's why I can say goodbye
I can't do it and I really don't want you to
I don't know what I would do with my life because you're the only one for me
I've grown an acceptance to Oliver and I'm ok with calling you my boyfriend
I don't want to lose you once I've got to this point
When you first told me that you were a boy in a girls body I was shocked but now I'm ok with it and I Love You for you
Skye I can't lose you after I just learned more about you
Please don't break up with me
I Love You and I have to marry you
I need you in my life
I'm sorry I hurt you
I'm so very sorry and I hate myself for not treating you right
I know now. I can treat you right
Please don't leave me
If you do I will hate myself forever
I won't love again because you're the only person I will ever love
I don't want to guilt you into being with me if you don't love me but I want to stay with you because I'm so in love with you
If I could I'd break all my bones and bring myself so close to death just to stay with you
Please listen Skye
I Love You So Very Much
I can't lose you
Can you please stay mine until death do us part?
If your answer is no...
I'll have to leave...
I hope I changed your mind

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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