Long Distance Valentines Day

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Me and Stacey got presents for each other but she received mine about 2 days before Valentines Day and she really wanted to open it.
I didn't get the package until 3-4 PM.
When I got it I called her in Skype and I opened her gift to me first. She got me a card, 3 pictures of her, some candy, an Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt, her favorite stuffed animal, and a necklace with part of the Yin Yang, the part that has the majority black.
She has the other half, the majority white one. We made a promise that out necklaces will touch and connect one day.
After I opened hers, it was time for her to open my gift to her.
It's possible that 16 things was a bit much but I know she would love it.
I got her a Stuffed Panda bear(she loves Pandas)
A black daisy, 4 notes, Dove chocolate, 2 charms, card, special Bible, army hanky, a white hanky with a blue S, and a Black Jewel engagement ring.
I said I wanted to get "kid married"
Sounds dump but I liked idea.
So over Skype I got on one knee and asked her to Kid Marry me.
She said yes of course.
We spent the rest of Valentines Day Skyping, it was fun.
We Skype and Text everyday.

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