Getting to know Stacey

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Me and Stacey have got to know each other very well. It was kinda creepy that we had so much in common.
We Both liked the same kind of music.
We both share the same Style, Goth that is.
Similar hobbies
This is a small part of out conversation that day.
How it all happened.
Me- "I have another question"
Stacey- "Ask away!! 😃"
Me- "Want to do a Long Distance Relationship?"
I was so nervous, keep in mind. This is only after 8 days of knowing her.
Stacey- "Hmm...😶😶😶....YES!!! 😙
Me- "Word, I Love You"
Stacey- "Word, I Love You Too"

We were saying "I Love You" before we were even together.
At first we would say "I Loki You"
"Loki" is a word that is half Love and half Like.
We both knew it was Love from the beginning. She told me that she was waiting for me to ask.
I thought it was funny how we thought so alike.
We live 700 miles away from each other. I wish it was closer be she could have lived in The United Kingdom.
You can guess which one I'd prefer and I'm so happy that she's this close.
Honestly I think I'm in Love with her, I was feel different around her. I feel so happy.
I can't stop smiling.
I just want to hold her and never let go.
I hope to see her soon, hmm.... Summer is almost here.
Maybe she can come visit.
But there still some things I haven't learned about her yet...

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