Stacey Marie

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I knew she was in trouble when she gave him that look, and he grabbed her throat, was scared, but I never would of thought he would actually hurt her. My sister and I, alongside my brothers, went through a lot of hard times. Now my sister, she was a beautiful young girl with friends and good grades, and I was her geeky, shy little sister. I had managed over the years to avoid the hiding, no l erased all emotion. I quickly trained myself not to react when I saw him beating my sister, my younger brother, and my older brothers. Putting their heads through plaster walls, chocking them until they passed out, threatening their lives. Reacting only made it worse, I learned that the hard way. "I'll give you something to cry about! Wipe that look off your face or else I will wipe it for you!". I remember the feeling experienced when he grabbed me and put his fist to my face, I watched as blood poured out of my nose and lips. I split in two, losing myself entirely. I grabbed the phone, and what I heard next was only the beginning, "You will NOT call that number! If you do, I will make sure they carry you out in a body bag!''. I was torn apart, scarred, and mentally. physically. and emotionally hurt.
Let's skip ahead to three years after the incident.

I am officially 7 years old, and still going through same old, same old. But today was different, dad brought a new woman to the house, she was beautiful, but dads fist ruined that. She was crying, screaming, and begging him to stop. That's when he grabbed my younger brother, I had to protect him, I had to, so I hit my dad, yelled, punched, and he finally let my brother go, but took me. That's when it happened. the day I went from being pure and innocent, to impure and unclean. I felt dirty, I was disgusted with myself, so I started eating less. "Maybe if I become super skinny, he won't like me and he won't touch me anymore."I thought that every day, every second, every minute of my life. A few years later about 5 years later, I finally met someone who could help me, and he did, and he continues to help me to this day, and I thank him so much. I am still and forever will be damaged, and broken, but over time, the pain will disappear and be replaced with happiness and love and comfort, knowing I'm safe with someone who truly loves me, but until then, I'm happy just having him in my life.
This chapter was written by the real Stacey

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