Chapter 2.

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I don't own any part of Harry potter.

I don't own any part of Harry potter

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(Your timetable.)

These are your thoughts.

Third Person

The first month of classes for Y/n went smoothly she was actually very happy about how she was doing. Her favourite class this year was indeed potions, not just because the subject is intriguing and delicate but it is also because the potions master is extremely attractive. 

At lunch, Y/n has sat alone on the Hufflepuff table. She just sat with her head staring at the plate. Midway through the meal she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned and there was a cute ginger Gryffindor stood. "Good afternoon, I am Bill, Bill Weasley." The boy introduced. Y/n smiled at him. "I am erm Y/n L/n." She spoke softly. 
"Is it okay if I sit with you for a moment?" Bill asked her and she nodded and he sat at one of the seats next to her. 

Bill and Y/n had a small conversation and Y/n found he was a joker. "So Y/n how come you always sit alone. A beautiful girl like you must have a tight friend group." Y/n blushed but shook her head.
"No, I only joined the school last year so erm no friends for me. It is alright I am terrible at making conversation with people." She explained and he listened to every word. 
"Well I will be your friend, we are in the same year and I believe we share a few classes." Y/n smiled and agreed to become friends with him. 

A month later.

Bill and Y/n had gotten to know each other and became pretty good friends. Y/n liked having someone to talk to about just about anything and Bill liked seeing the smile on Y/n's face whenever something she was passionate about was brought up. Bill had been developing feelings for Y/n  but he hadn't shown or told her about them. He wasn't sure whether she would even accept his feelings and like him back. He knew that she had no experience with relationships, she hadn't even had her first kiss yet. 

Y/n is sat with Bill in the library her head was on his lap while she was reading. "How are you a Hufflepuff, you have the mind of a Ravenclaw and the aspects of a Gryffindor." Y/n giggled and carried on reading. 
"Well Weasley how come you're a Gryffindor, you have sweet little Hufflepuff traits I apparently lack." Bill rolled his eyes.
"You are one strange girl L/n," Bill whispered. The two of them continued to giggle and whatnot before they had to go to class. 

"Right Weaslebee, I got charms." Y/n started to get up but Bill pulled her back down. 
"And you forget I have charms with you." He then pulls her up and grabs her hand running out of the library. Y/n giggled. "C'mon, we will be late if you don't catch up," Bill told her and she sped up. 

The two of them made it in time. "Right everyone wands out, You each have a broken mirror in front of you, could any of you guess what charm we are learning?" Only a few students put their hands up. Y/n being one. "Mister Weasley." Flitwick chose Bill to answer. 
"Erm, is it a-" Bill didn't know the answer, Y/n subtly told him the answer. She whispered Mending under her breath. "It is the mending charm, sir," Bill said. 

Whilst Y/n was understanding and getting the charm, Bill was struggling a bit. Y/n leaned over. "It's reh-PAH-roh, not REH-pah-ROH." She explained Bill nodded and tried.
"IT WORKED." He yelled and Y/n smiled. "Thanks, Y/n." She nodded and he smiled. 

The lesson came to an end now they were on their last lesson of the week. Potions. This was the lesson with the Slytherins and Y/n was dreading it. She walked in and sat down near the front on her own. Professor Snape walked into the room with his usual sternness that Y/n found attractive. His body is definitely toned under those robes. Y/n thought while watching him sit down at his desk. She began to daydream and didn't even realise her name was being called until the Mystery man slammed his hands on her table making her jump. "I-I am so sorry sir." Her voice was barely bearable. 
"Sorry won't do it, Detention tonight at 6 pm." Y/n nods.

"Haha, stupid Mudblood got a detention." She heard from behind her but decided to ignore it. She then felt a pull on her hair. "Oi, mudblood you respect your superiors." Y/n scoffed. 
"As if you are my superior. You have your head shoved so far up your arse it's disgusting." A group of Slytherins gasped and the main one grabbed his wand and pointed it to Y/n's neck. 

"MR PIERS LOWER YOUR WAND." Professor Snape shouts once seeing the situation.
"But sir, this stupid Mudblood disrespected me." Milo Piers scoffed. A bunch of Slytherins glared at Y/n which made her very uncomfortable. 
"5 points from Slytherin for using an offensive word." Snape could sense Y/n trying not to cry and went round to face her. 

"Miss L/n take a moment outside then enter again once you are ready the rest of you turn to page 168 there will be no brewing today." Snape was soft on Y/n and she appreciated it.  She walked out of the classroom for a second. What the fuck just happened. Y/n was trying to process that altercation. After she had been outside for 8 minutes Snape opened the door and closed it behind him. He didn't say anything, he wasn't really sure how to deal with the situation. 
"Sir, are they right? I don't know much about the wizarding world am I meant to respect them because my parents aren't magic and I am a mudblood?" Y/n asked the Professor. Snape pondered for a moment before speaking.
"No Miss L/n those boys were completely out of line, you do not have to respect people because they are pureblood, and don't refer to yourself as a mudblood it is a nasty word in this world. You are a very bright girl muggle-born or not." Y/n smiled and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. 
"Thank you, sir." Snape just nodded before entering the classroom again, Y/n following behind. 


It was 5:45 and Y/n was bored so she decided to leave for her detention 15 minutes early hoping it would mean she could leave 15 minutes earlier too. As she walked through the dungeons she suddenly felt a bit queazy. "Ahahah." She heard and turned around. Milo and his gang of Slytherins were there.
"What did you do to me?" She coughed out. But it was no use they had ran off and she was left on the floor. She was trying to crawl to Professor Snape's office but it was incredibly painful. She managed to make it and she knocked softly on the door. 
"Come in." She heard. But she couldn't move. She then heard a scoff and movement inside then the door opened and Snape looked down. "What are you doing you, stupid girl." Y/n coughed.
"They did something to me. Milo." She was breathing heavily and sweating a lot. Snape sighed and picked her up and brings her into his office. 

Snape began to exam her and his eyes widened. "Who did you say did this?" There was anger laced in his tone.
"Milo and a few other Slytherins there were four of them, Milo and two guys then a girl." He nodded and walked over to his storeroom. Snape came back with a potion and held it to Y/n's lips. She drank it and coughed. 
"I'm sorry the taste is awful." Y/n nodded agreeing. She felt a lot better but still quite weak. "I need to go find those students, rest in here until I come back." She nodded again and watched him walk out of the room. What a fucking day.

End Of Chapter.

Hey, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I am trying to write longer chapters for you so hope you like this one. It is only 1376 words but hopefully, they will get longer. Vote, comment and please follow me. 

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