Chapter 3

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I don't own any part of Harry Potter. 

I will tell you when to play the song. 

Third Person

It was Bill's birthday today and Y/n wrote a song for him. She was going to play it for him by bringing him out into the courtyard. It was almost the end of November and Y/n couldn't wait to get home and see her Gran. She had missed her dearly. 

Y/n walked down to the great hall for breakfast, she saw Bill there stood with another Ginger boy. She walked over and smiled. "Happy Birthday Weaslebee." Y/n gave him a hug and handed him a gift. He opened it and there was a book.
"Y/n this book is really rare." The book was all about curse-breakers and whatnot. Bill seemed really interested in the subject so Y/n thought it would be a nice gift. 

"Hi." The young boy said to Y/n while she was watching Bill inspect his book. "I am Charlie." Y/n smiled. 
"Well hello. Are you two brothers?" They nodded. "What year are you in?" Y/n asked Charlie, he was quite tall but his face was quite young.
"I am a third-year." Y/n smiled, she found him adorable. 

Y/n finally got the courage to take Bill down to the courtyard to sing him the song. He had no clue what was happening but he just followed along. "Right sit down." She told him and he did reluctantly

Play the song now.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday dear Bill

Happy birthday... to you...

End of song.

"That was sweet, you are very cute," Bill told her and Y/n smiled and scrunched her nose. He hugged her and she giggled into his shoulder.
"I have to go to Potions now. Bye Bill." She gave him a small kiss on the cheek then ran off to potions. 

She walked into the room and was bang on time. She sat down in her usual seat at the front and watched as Professor Snape demonstrated how to make the wit-sharpening potion. Y/n watched how delicately his hands moved. Wow his hands, the things they could do. She began to daydream but quickly snapped out of it. "Off you go, you have 50 minutes." Snape's stern voice echoed around the room. Usually, the Professor would sit back down in his seat but instead, he took long strides walking over to Y/n.

"Miss L/n Headmaster dumbledore requested you in his office, should only take a couple of minutes so when you come back get as much of the potion as you can do." The man then proceeded to swish his cape and walk back to his desk. Y/n sighed and got up from her seat and walked out of the door. 

As soon as she arrived at the headmaster's office she felt nervous, she spoke the password and was met with a long staircase, she accended them and knocked on the door at the top. The door opened revealing the headmaster and a man she has never seen before. The man was tall and his hair was long and Blonde. "Afternoon headmaster." Y/n greeted not even paying attention to the other man.
"Afternoon Miss L/n, this is Lucius Malfoy." She nodded and shook the man's hand. "You are probably wondering why I called you out of your lesson. It is because we got a very alarming letter today." Y/n looked confused but allowed them to proceed.

"The letter read. Keep the girl at school for Christmas, the one that was a late bloomer with magic. If you don't, HE will be back." Y/n stood anxiously as the Malfoy man read the letter. 
"Who is HE, if you don't mind me asking." Y/n was prepared for them to say no but instead, they explained. 

Y/n spent 10 or so minutes learning about an evil wizard named Lord Voldermort, who was recently defeated 5 years ago by a baby. Apparently, they don't know why they need her to stay but they suspect she isn't actually Muggle-born and she has magical blood somewhere in her family. "Can I erm go now?" She asked and Professor Dumbledore nodded. She walked out with tears in her eyes, when she went back to potions Professor Snape immediately noticed her change in mood. 

Professor Snape felt something for the girl, something he could never allow people to know about. Something that could cost him everything.


Y/n and Bill had Transfiguration class together with Professor McGonagall. They were pretty shit at the subject so they just found it amusing. Today they were learning the inanimatus Conjurus spell. Neither Bill nor Y/n managed to do it by the end. They two walked out of class in fits of giggles. As they were walking down to the library to do their usual business Y/n was stopped by Professor Snape. "Afternoon L/n, Weasley." They both replied with a good afternoon. "Miss L/n you will be the only one attending next lessons Extra potions," Snape explained and Y/n just nodded. She was actually excited to get to be alone with him, the Professor left them to their business but not before sneaking one last glance off Y/n. Y/n noticed and blushed, why did he want to look at me before leaving? 

"Come on Y/n," Bill pulled her into the library. "I got 30 minutes to tell you something." Y/n was confused but went along with it. As soon as they got in the Library Y/n could tell Bill was nervous about something.
"Everything alright Weaslebee." Bill shook his head and looked at Y/n. He sighed and took her hands in his. 
"Now I am 16 I can't keep it in anymore. I have grown so many feelings for you Y/n. Since I asked you to be friends it was because I thought you to be one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met." Y/n was shocked. She had wondered whether she liked Bill because she wasn't scared to talk to him like everyone else. She decided to be confident and she kissed him. She didn't know how to kiss really but she tried. He pulled her away shocked. "You-you just kissed me." Y/n nodded. Bill pushed her into a secluded corner and kissed her again. 
"Oh shit, I got to go to potions." She kissed him once more before saying goodbye. Bill was absolutely elated after that.

Extra Potions

Y/n ran to potions feeling awful. She was trying to prove to herself that she liked Bill but there was nothing there for him. She walked into the room with zero energy. "Hello, Miss L/n." Professor Snape said softly. 
"Hi." She said back without looking at him. He looked at her wondering what was wrong.
"Everything okay L/n?" Y/n nodded. "I somehow don't believe that, sit." She sat down in a seat opposite his. 

"Talk to me Y/n." Y/n head shoots up as Professor Snape says her first name. She sighs and tears form in her eyes. 
"I am an awful person," Y/n explains but Snape stays quiet. "Bill is sweet and my best friend but I just don't like him the way that it hurts because he was now my first kiss and it felt awful." She sobs, and Snape just came over and allowed her to cry on his shoulder. 
"How come you do not like him? Is there someone else?" Professor Snape asked and she shuttered.
"Erm, yeah there is someone. He erm doesn't know it and erm he never will but yeh erm yeh." Y/n stuttered. Snape smiled at her. 
"Wanna tell me who? I am rather good at getting people to stop having feelings." Y/n giggled and nudged him. 

She shook her head and got up. "Potions let's go." She pulled Snape up smiling. 
"You had a chance to skip making a potion and you don't take it, incredible." Y/n giggles. "Any particular potion you would like to make." Y/n got excited and nodded.
"I read a book and it talked about a love potion, I was going to ask you another day when I had done more research but now seems like a good time so can we?" Snape thought for a moment but nodded.

He got the ingredients then told her about the potion itself. "So the potion is called Amortentia, it doesn't create actual love it is just an infatuation." Y/n nodded, then Snape told her every last ingredient to add and she did it beautifully. "Now the final step, what do you smell." She inhaled the smell that the potion gave off.
"Fresh parchment, black coffee, fuck potions storeroom." She steps backward and glanced at Snape. He was speechless. "I am so so sorry, that must make you uncomfortable thank you for helping I am erm going to go." Y/n then ran out of the room forgetting half of her stuff, she ran straight to her dorm not even having dinner. 

End Of Chapter.

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