Chapter 7.

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I don't own any part of Harry Potter. 

Third Person. 

It was now a month after valentines day. Albus notified Y/n and Severus that the news would get out today. 

Y/n was seated alone at the Hufflepuff table. She had no clue when the news would get out, but she knew that people weren't going to like it. Especially Bill.

Severus was seated at the high table with the rest of the staff. He was nervous, not for the student's reaction but the treatment Y/n will receive from her peers. 

Then it happened. Headmaster Dumbledore tapped his goblet to get the attention of the great hall. "Sorry to interrupt your feast but I have an announcement to make." The hall silenced as they waited for the news. "But first, love is something you can find many times in this life. However, there is always a love that breaks you, changes you and finally, love supports you." The words stuck in Severus' mind. The love for Lily both broke and changed him and the love for y/n is what supports him. "Now, our potions master Severus Snape has had a tough life and it may not be visual to a lot of you but he does have emotions and one person in this room has seen them far more than a lot of you. Now can I ask Miss Y/n L/n to come to join Professor Snape up here?" 

Y/n's face went red as she stood and proceeded to walk over to her love. She smiled when she saw the look on his face. He stood up as she approached the staff table, Severus looked at her and nodded. She smiled and nodded back. "These two people have found a rare thing in each other. True love and I would like to congratulate them and wish them a happy life together."

Y/n and Severus smiled. They felt like they had both found the thing they had been looking for their whole life even though Y/n was only 16 and Severus was a mere 25. The two found happiness in each other.

5 years later.

Y/n had decided to become a Healer working in the hospital wing. Severus was still the school's Potion master. Harry Potter had joined the school 3 years ago, they had seen many defence against the dark art teachers come and go as the curse remained on the subject. 

Y/n and Severus remained happy together even sharing a chamber together within the castle. Everybody in the wizarding world knew about their relationship. 

Battle of Hogwarts.

Everyone suffered many losses on the night of the battle Y/n's best friend Bill lost one of his brothers. Many deatheaters were killed, including that of Severus Snape. Y/n stayed with him as the poison from the snake Nagini killed him slowly. It was the worst time of her life, the love of her life was gone. And she would never see him again.

Thank you for reading this story. I know how short it is so I am going to make a new story and make the lead up to the Oc getting with Snape longer. If there are any other stories you guys would like please do let me know. Again thank you for reading.

End of Story.

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