My Girl

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This chapter is in the Mandalorian's POV.

Aster is asleep next to me. Morning sunlight peeks in through the windows, but I don't dare to wake her up.

Her hair is a tangled mess sprawled over her pillow. Her dark eyelashes look stunning laid against her beautiful cheekbones. Aster's soft lips form a slight pout, as if she's having an unpleasant dream.

My eyes trail downward to her neck, where dark bruises have formed. Part of me is embarrassed for being so out of control. The other half of me is pleased that any man who dares to look at her will instantly know she's mine.

But what is Aster to me, exactly? I don't want to say to girlfriend. That seems too flimsy and artificial. I wish I could call Aster my wife, but that has complications too. Right now, she is simply mine.

But how long will that last? When we find the Jedi, will they take her away? After years of near complete solitude, I can't imagine a life without Aster.

I slip out of bed quietly. Aster doesn't stir. I walk over to my bag and pull out a canister of male birth control. The pills taste horrible, but I force them down. We already have one child to take care of. And if Aster ever wanted to have children with me, I would make sure we have a good life. Something better than this, constantly moving from place to place.

The Child awakes in his pram. I scoop him up before he can cry out and wake Aster. I need to go down to the marketplace and find some food.

I pull on my gloves and helmet quietly and exit the room. Aster is still fast asleep. Hopefully she still will be when I get back.

The marketplace is a bustling labyrinth. But, I remain hopeful. Lots of people means lots of information.

The Child peeks out of my bag, watching everything with wide-eyed wonder. That's something that he and Aster have in common. Maybe it's a Jedi thing. Or maybe his life has been just as hard as hers.

My life certainly hasn't been easy either. It's been filled with blood, death, and loneliness. But Aster's hard past makes her ridiculously optimistic. The smallest things bring her joy. My past has hardened me into a warrior. For a while, I was barely a husk of a man. Aster was the one who saved me.

I duck into a tavern. Despite the early hour, it's bustling with patrons. Several costumers lay passed out in booths, blissfully unaware that their wallets have been stolen long ago.

I approach the bar. A tired looking man is the bartender. Dark shadows pool underneath his eyes and he seems to be sickly thin.

"I need information," I say to him as he approaches.

The bartender flashes me a weary smile. "Everything has a price, darling."

"I'm willing to pay." I lean forward. "I need to know where other Mandalorians are."

He chews his lip. "I know a guy who knows a guy. Buts it's gonna cost you, darling."

I push a stack of credits forward. "Tell me everything you know."

"I don't know his current location, so don't get your hopes up, pretty boy." The bartender runs his fingers through his greasy hair.

"I paid you. You tell me everything you know." Irritation flickers inside of me. I could have pointed a blaster to his head and demanded everything he know. I chose the nice route.

"His name is Gor Koresh." The man says finally. "He's a gangster. He knows everything about everybody, including you Mandalorians. He's an Abyssin. Got one eye, ugly as can be. You'll know when you see him."

"Thanks," I mutter. I get up quickly and leave the tavern.

I have a lead. It's not much, but it's there. I don't expect a gangster to play nicely, so I'll come prepared.

I wander back to the inn, in search of food. I spot a vendor selling fried eggs with meat. I buy enough for the three of us and continue walking. That is, until I spot a vendor selling combs.

As someone who's almost always wearing a helmet, I've never felt the need to own a hairbrush. But I'm not thinking about myself. My mind wanders to Aster. She doesn't own a comb. So I'm going to buy her one.

It was probably a waste of credits, but I know Aster will be happy to receive a gift anyways. Lately, I've been thinking less practically and more about her.

She's already awake when I enter the room. Aster is pacing back a forth nervously, watching the door.

"There you are!" Aster strides over to my side. "I was getting scared."

I can't help but notice that she's wearing the clothes I bought her. Aster has gained weight since the last time she was on Jakku. Her curves have filled out, making her even more irresistible. The clothes I bought accentuate those curves.

"I'm sorry. I was getting breakfast and searching for a lead." I set the Child and the food gently on the bed.

"Breakfast?" Aster asks hopefully.

"Here," I say, handing her a bag.

"This is so good," Aster mumbles through a mouthful of eggs. "Did you find any information about other Mandalorians?"

"Yes. We've got a lead. A man named Gor Koresh."

"Is he a Mandalorian?"

"No, but he knows of other Mandalorians."

"Good." Aster sighs contentedly. She runs her fingers through her hair.

"I also got you a gift," I say, trying my best to sound nonchalant.

"A gift? Master, you don't have to waste money on me," she protests.

"If I'm spending my credits on you, then it's not a waste," I say firmly. I press the comb into her hands. Aster's eyes widen at the sight of it.

"I've never owned a comb before," she says in a half-whisper.

"Would you like me to do your hair?" I offer. "I know how to braid."

"You know how to braid hair, helmet boy?" Aster raises an eyebrow.

"I watched my mom do it all the time when I was younger." It seems silly to admit out loud. Maybe I shouldn't have offered at all.

But to my surprise, Aster nods. She turns so her back is facing me. I comb through her hair gently, trying not to hurt her. Her hair is soft to the touch and smells irresistible. It doesn't take me long to give her a long, singular braid and tie it off with a bit of rope.

"I love it," Aster gushes, and I know she's telling the truth.

I take my helmet off and eat quickly. We need to locate this Gor Koresh as quickly as possible. We pack quickly and leave in silence. It's best not to stay in one place too long.

I don't relax until we're in space. Aster sits in the passenger seat next to me. I take my helmet off and plop a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you," I whisper.

She beams. "I know."

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