Bo-Katan's Mission

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The Mandalorian's POV
I feel free as I streak through the air, trailing behind Bo-Katan and the other members of her clan. Despite her terse personality, I almost feel like I belong among them. The other female warrior is called Koska Reeves. She's a fine warrior with a brave heart. Axe Woves, the male Mandalorian, is just as fearless.

This is where I belong. With my people. Not trekking across the galaxy, completing some half-ass mission.

I just wish they weren't so different from me.

I force myself to focus as we near the freighter. Bo and Koska drop behind two stormtroopers, pushing them over the frail railing. One of them manage to slam an alarm.

"Pirates!" His cry is short-lived as Axe shoves him overboard.

I brace myself for an endless stream of reinforcements, but none come as Axe tampers with the lock. Finally, the door groans open as we slip inside.

We're greeted by a small squadron of troopers. Bo slams her fists into the nearest two, sending them to the ground. She slices the neck of the third one, leaving nothing but a thin line of blood tricking down him.

Bo-Katan certainly fights like a Mandalorian. But her talk about regaining control of Mandalore seems like a fantasy. Mandalorians are supposed to do what it takes to survive, even if that means abandoning a cursed planet.

We stalk down the hallway, my heart thundering in my chest. The sound of blaster fire awaits us as we round the nearest corner. This squadron is bigger, with perhaps ten stormtroopers in it.

But one Mandalorian is worth an army of them.

I fire back, hitting one squarely in the chest. The others follow suit, their aim true. We rush forward, shooting wildly before ducking behind a doorway. Only two remain. With a nod from Katan, we surge forward again.

The stormtroopers litter the floor, their armor a cheap imposter of ours. But I don't have time to ponder them or their wasted deaths.

"Look, over there! Stop them," the unmistakable voice of a stormtrooper cries out.

A dozen more troopers rush toward us. But this time, I'm prepared. I roll a smoke bomb out, and with a flash, it fills the narrow corridor with smoke. The four of us stride forward, picking off the stormtroopers as if they were sitting ducks. Having infrared vision helps, of course.

We cram into the nearest elevator. I grip my blaster, knowing what awaits us once the doors reopen. This mission is not as simple as Bo-Katan led me to believe.

Twenty more troopers await us, including a commanding officer. We rush forward, quickly clearing the nearest five.

"Close the doors," I hear the officer command.

"Sir?" A trooper asks.

"Close the doors!" The commander repeats.

We march forward, blaster fire bouncing harmlessly off our armor. 

"Which one?"

"All of them! All of them! Close all of them! Close all the doors!"

The nearest door slams shut.

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