A New Master

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I'm used to being passed around from master to master. That's just a part of a slave's life. To the Masters, I'm not a person, just an object. I don't expect compassion from the Masters. They are proud business men who worked hard for their money. I'm just a girl who was sold into slavery by a mother that I never knew.

A lot of slaves remember freedom. They remember living as a person, not an object. They tell teary-eyed stories about their previous life, and how they lost everything due to alcohol or gambling or prostitutes. I wonder why my mother sold me. Maybe she needed drug money. Maybe she just didn't want a child, and money is money on Jakku.

In a way, I'm lucky I don't remember freedom or my mother. You can't miss something you never knew. And life isn't too bad for me. I'm small, so I'm a good scavenger. It's what I've been doing all my life. At least, until Master Burgess bought me.

Exactly twenty three days ago, I was sold for the fourth time in my life. My previous Master, Master Gard, was leaving Jakku to start a new life pod-racing on the planet of Tatooine. Part of me was sad to be sold again. Master Gard had been kind to us. He gave us two meals a day and each slave had their own bedroll. Master Gard also preferred the company of other men instead of women, which was a blessing to me. I have heard about the horrible things that some Masters do to their slaves. But I was in no position to barter or complain. I simply accepted my fate as Master Burgess bought me for 75 credits.

These past 23 days have been strange for me. I am used to scavenging the desert, scouring the sand dunes for valuable ship parts. But Master Burgess had a different job for me. He bought me so I could become his new household slave. I was unaccustomed to household work. My life had always involved parts and grease and dirt. Suddenly, I was expected to be clean and proper. My ragged tunic was replaced with a low-cut black dress and my wild mop of curls were tucked away under a lacy bonnet.

There's so many house rules. I cannot make eye contact with Master Burgess unless he demands it. I cannot have dirt under my fingernails or stains on my clothes. I cannot speak unless Master demands it.

I try to look on the bright side. At least my skin isn't blistered from the scorching suns anymore. When I go to bed, my muscles no longer ache. But there's other things to worry about. Dotting my arms are deep purple bruises from Master's angry fists. And occasionally, when Master tries his homemade alcohol, his hands wander to places on me that I try my best to hide. But I count my blessings. At least he hasn't forced himself upon me. At least I'm given this small closet in the cellar. I ignore the fact that it locks from the outside.

My morning begins as it always does. The first sun isn't fully risen but I'm wide awake. I walk two steps from my cot to my wash basin and scrub my face, hands, and hair with fervor. Then, I comb my riotous hair up into a bun before covering it with an itchy, lacy bonnet. I slip into my uniform, aware of how revealing the neckline is and how Master Burgess always seems to be staring at it.

I leave my closet of a bedroom and climb up the uneven stairs. Master Burgess is still asleep. I can hear his drunken snores from the kitchen where I prepare his breakfast. Cooking is new to me, but Master seems to eat anything I put in front of him. I reach for a pan hanging from a hook when I spot a strange figure in the courtyard.

The world is still covered in a soft gray but I make out a tall silhouette. I can't tell if they're male or female because their entire body is covered in strange armor that I've never seen before.

Although the hour is early, it isn't unusual for Master Burgess to have visitors. After all, he makes his money by selling a wide variety of homemade alcohol and drugs. I walk over to the window and call out, "Are you here to see Master Burgess?"

The armored stranger whips around to face me. Judging from the height, they're a male. "Yes." A muffled, but definitely masculine voice says from underneath a heavy helmet.

I allow myself a small, victorious smile as I reply, "I'll let you in through the front door."

Master won't be please that one of his associates is here so early in the morning. He HATES being woken up. But I can practically feel the sting of his slap if I made of his friends wait.

I unlock the front door and let the strange man inside. I'm shorter than most women, but this man is huge. He towers in front of me, every inch of his body covered in shiny armor or strange, draping fabric. He has to duck through the small doorway.

"Master Burgess is asleep. I can wake him for you."

"Take me to his chambers."

Although I can't see the man's eyes, I can tell he isn't looking at me. Instead, he's surveying the house. I notice how heavily armed he is, how alert and tense he is.

I hesitate for a moment. "Master really doesn't like to be woken up unexpectedly. He didn't mention anyone visiting today either..." I let my voice trail off, hoping he'll take the hint.

"I'm an old friend."

I gulp as I picture the beating I'll receive tonight. "Follow me."

I lead the armored man through the narrow hallway to the master bedroom. My stomach is spinning nervously. I knock lightly on the heavy steel door. Master's snoring stops abruptly.

"Who-what?" His gruff voices demands angrily. I can already feel his red-hot rage.

"It's me sir." My voice is wobbly and my knees feel weak. "You've got a visitor."

The door flings open with a crash. Master Burgess stands in front of me, his dark eyes ablaze with sleep-deprived rage. "You fool!" He screeches, his voice hoarse and angry. "That's a fucking bounty hunter!"

The armored man makes his move. He pulls out one of his guns and shoots, but Master Burgess is smart. His personal force field flares up, causing the bullet to ricochet into the wall. Master Burgess lets out a snarl and he fires his own weapon. It doesn't affect the bounty hunter, leaving nothing but a black smudge on his armor. Master Burgess slams his fist against a hidden button in the wall and before the attacker can react, electrical wire is shooting through the air, tangling around him.

Angry blue sparks dance across the bounty hunter's armor and he falls to the ground. The air is filled with the smell of burned flesh and metal.

"You stupid bitch." Master hisses. Sweat has gathered on his brow and his face is contorted with rage.

Part of me is terrified. I want to run away from Jakku. But then time slows down. I can feel everything. The bounty hunter is very much alive, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Master Burgess is tugging on his gun, about to shoot me. I feel a strange pull in my stomach. Time is unpaused but Master Burgess is frozen. He's suspended in time, as if he was a statue. I let out a soft gasp.

Before I can think properly, the bounty hunter is in action. He swings a blade cleanly through the air, and with one singular stroke, Master Burgess is dead.

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